Freaking out.?

I am a young teen and enjoy a rather significant lump behind my right breast. It hurts closely and it won't go away.I can clearly consistency it. What the heck is it?

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Hon, the chances i.e. cancer is SO SOOOO low. Like 300 billion to 1. You are in puberty and your breasts are growing. But if you are that worried roughly speaking it, then I would receive your mother to take you to the doctor only to make sure. Better than worrying something like it, right?

Is there anything u can do beforehand pregnancy to get a everyday delivery?

You call for to see the doc. It could be just a cyst or fibroid tumor but it could be something more serious. See the doc and procure it checked.

Yeast infection help please!?

Go see a doc, it is probably nil, my daughter had those when her breast's grew to quick (she went from an A to a D surrounded by one school year).
But it might be something too, so please dance to the Dr and check it out

Stopped menstral?

There is a round sac (evenly round, not lumpy) behind your nipple. I don't know what it is call. I freaked out when I was young-looking and developing and first found it, but it's normal and surrounded by both breasts. If you are worried go attain a physical from the doctor and mention it. They'll be able to reassure you.

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you're too childish to have a tumour surrounded by your breast, don't think give or take a few it. actually if it hurts it is not. I'm sure it is nought important but step and see the doctor to calm down.
And report us when you have results!

small boobies?

It could be any number of things, a cyst, a calcium build up, who know. Best thing would be to communicate to your mother and or go to a doctor. Don't freak out until the doctor tell you too.

Its so uncomfortable n scratchy.?

I know you are a young teen so this might give the impression of being weird to you. You are going through puberty, something everyone go through. If you do not wear a bra than you best should do so. Also, you should go see the doc or even your mother's gyno. A gyno specializes contained by women's health. If you own not had your length yet and you own problems than you will soon. Hope this will help!

Ovarian cyst anguish?

Well hun I think you should attain that checked out ASAP!

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