How soon can you have sex after finishing medication for a yeast infection?

My doctor said i have a bacterial infection. . it isnt necessarily a yeast infection. it is a bacterial vaginosis and she give me medication for it. I have to insert this cream for a week and the medicatin nor my doctor told me when i can resume have sex?

Saggy breasts!!?

I would think after you pinch the medication... and when you dont have the symptoms.. it is fine.
A LOT of times... couples will go by the infection back and forth to eachother. so explanation... you might be over it but if you are with alike partner you were next to before you started taking the medication... you will take it again because he can be a carrier of the germs... that is why greatly of couples will treat it at the same time to avoid the rear legs and forth of it.

Women, I have a cross-question!?

it should say it within the instructions for medicine... but if it doesnt. i meditate its a week or maybe only just 3 days. either means of access your boyfriend should use a condom. if he is exposed to the medicine that isn't dutiful. i would suggest you wait a week after the final of your medicine is taken.

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