Mammogram and Pelvic Exam Question?

If you get those exams done and if nearby are any abnormalities will your doctor appointment you to come in right away or will you find out on your next appointment?

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I feel pretty sure within saying that they will phone call you.

I work for general surgeons and when patients come contained by and have any charitable of test, we appointment them no matter if it's a suitable or bad result. I reckon most every other doctor is the same approach.

However, they should be back contained by about 5 days, so if you still haven't hear, call and ask. It can't hurt.

Actually, if you hold an abnormal result (say if we be talking almost breast cancer detected on a mammogram), they could be hit with a BIG lawsuit if they didn't narrate you.

Workout plans?

Most likely phone up you..Cause My doctor usaully calls me if something be adnormal.

Im 14, ive had 2 period and i havent had nomore?

you will usually gain notification in the e-mail if everything is ok. Some doctors offices ring either track. If there is something wrong you will be call back surrounded by

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They call

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thye will ring you immediately after further test have be conducted. with problems approaching that, its important to stroke quickly, so they other get rear legs to you asap.

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As soon as the results are within and if there is an abnormality you will be given a give the name as soon as possible especially if its alarming and an appointment will be set immediately. For majority results, you will still be given a call and one copy of the result will be mail to you.

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