Umm this is a really strange question but I need an answer for my friend.?

My friend Shayla, has to run to the bathroom like every 15 minutes (pee) and she influence it doesn't hurt but she feels close to preasure. She says it's be like this since her boyfriend stuck a se* toy up the wrong hole (pee hole) she doesn't want to travel to the doctor cause it's embarrising she's 17. What is cause it to be like this she thought it would stir away after a couple weeks it hasn't Is there something she should clutch or eat or what. By the track I'm sure lots of people deduce i'm just dictum it's a friend but it really is she had aol instead of yahoo so hurry so i can draw from an answer to her.

What's wrong with me?

Well, the "pee hole" is to small and completely seperate so he shouldn't enjoy been competent to get a sex toy surrounded by that specific wrong hole. Sounds like she may own a urinary tract, kidney, or bladder infection which is common among not long sexually active inhabitants, no big deal, but you wanna run get it checked for sure because it can cause urinary difficulties for close to if not properly treated.

She wants to get over the confusion, I can guarantee they have see worse or crazy stuff, my best friend is a nurse adn compared to some of the stuff she has told me nearly random patients, thats zilch!

Anyway, tell her to progress to the Dr., and in the parsimonious time start drinkin lots of cranberry juice, or obtain the AZO urinary tract cranberry pills, or concentrated cranberry juice capsule, or better yet, adjectives 3, cranberrys are EXCELLENT for the urinary system. good luck!

Who is the VERY BEST gynecologist located in 150 miles of Albany, NY?

The "pee hole" (urethra) is definately way too small to return with anything up there. How long have she been notion like that? I enunciate drink lots of water and cranberry liquid to try and clear her up... and if that doesn't work in a few days she should stir to the doctor and get check out.

Can you win breast cancer from someone hitting u in the boobs to much?

go to the drug store and buy AZO its for urninary track infection. it turns your pee orange but really works.

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