Hi i have a lump in my neck im 23 and have two boys im worried and scared ill get bad news has anyone had this


I know this is gross but i need to know why..?

could be a swollen gland, travel see the doctor, put your mind at rest you probably worrying 4 nothing

Is this possible (serious question)?

could be enlarged lymph nodes.see you Dr..one and only way to relieve your anxiety is through answers.

Stess if affecting me immediately more than ever.?

See a doctor. If it is something bad, the longer you give up it the worse the news could be. Find out NOW and you won't enjoy to worry.

Stretch results?

Could just be a cyst chock-a-block with fluid. They can catch quite big, but if it is something worse, the sooner you see a doctor, the better your outlook. Go immediately, for your children's sake.

Panties are always drizzly? why?

Please go to your Dr and gain this sorted. If it is something bad it's better to know sooner fairly than later (or too late). Medicine is a wonderful item and your Dr will be able to find you checked out. Fingers crossed it's something really simple and you've worried about nought. Good luck.


Make sure its a definite lump first. It could be a swollen or inflamed lymph node. You own one on each side of your nouns under your jowl line.

If not ask your doc and I'll be praying for you!

Good luck and God Bless!

Does every girl enjoy ti bleed on her first time of having sex?

I own been looking at porn on my computer. I hold a lump in the front of my trousers. So I would not verbs if I were you.

Is this true around periods?

The with the sole purpose way to find out if it's discouraging news or not is to enjoy this evaluated by your dr. They can help you to determine what is cause the problem.

Chances of successful preganacy post 2 miscarriages and twin neonatal death for third preganacy?

You can't return with diagnosed over the internet by saying you enjoy a lump in your d??colletage. That could be anything from a pimple, to a swollen gland, to a cyst, to a tumor (benign or malignant). It could be anything at all. If you hold children, show them the correct behavior of adults to get yourself checked by a doctor. It's extremely unlikely to be anything dreadful.

Peeing frequently.?

i have one on my collar under my mouth that moves about and one lower than my arm. they are lynf nodes that are swollen. its not always the C word... shift get them checked out the closer you can the better :)

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i have have many lumps and bumps come up surrounded by my neck how long have it been near? if it's just a light of day or so and not sore the doc will prob tell you shift back contained by two weeks if it's still there and afterwards they'll refer you if needed, a lot of time it's only just swollen glands but better to be safe than sorry.i have a big one in my collar about two weeks ago,turns out it be a throat infection ,even though i didn't have a sore throat or any other symptoms,


ive get a lump in my mouth and a lump on my collar but im not realy sure what it is im 10

good luck or turn to a nearby clinic

How accurate is the 28 year count?

I was at the doctors yesterday near the same item, he wasn't sure what it is but thinks its a sebaceous cyst, (it feel like a small marble) I am waiting hospital apt to attain it drained, I have no other symptoms I am without fault well. if it have been sore the doc said it would enjoy been a blocked gland, where on earth antibiotics would have cured it.

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