I forgot to take my pill yesterday...?

i forgot to take it at 9.00p.m. do i bring 2 today? at the same time or seperate times?


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You can take it presently and then again at 9pm approaching usual. I have done that formerly and called my doc and they said pilfer it as soon as you remember UNLESS it is within 8hours of your subsequent one.

Have a Question for Ladiez?

If you ever forget to take the pill, lift it as soon as you remember. And don't take the subsequent one AT LEAST 2 hours after the one you just took.

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call and ask your pharmacist or doctor exactly what to do.

Serious answers only?

soon as you remember you forgot to cart the pil you take it .

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It is noteworthy to know which type of pill you are taking, If its a combined pill(cocp) then you rob take your forgotten one straight away as long as its not more than 24 hours delayed and carry on rest of packet as earlier, but if it is mini-pill(POP) then its 3 hours stoppage means you are not protected, you should take on with rest of your pills but use extra precaution such as condom or avoid sex for subsequent seven days before it is not detrimental to have sex again. Otherwise,
1. read the booklet which comes with packet,
2. Contact local Family planning clinic( if in UK)
3. Ring your GP (for UK)
4. Speak to Practice Nurse

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call your doctor or pharmacist to be sure, all pill brands hold different instructions. but make sure that you use rear legs up protection for the rest of your cycle, being more than 2 hours unpunctually taking your pill CAN allow for your body to oulate, meaning nearby is an increased possibility of becoming pregnant

My period have been spotting on and stale for 4 days.Should i be concerned?

Take yesterday's pill and today's pill at the regular time of 9pm.

Most pill instructions say to do that. I own been on several brands.

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    OK did i measure it rite?


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