Clit question? ladies only please?

1.i dont need your guidance if you are going to say everyone is different
2. i dont call for your advice if you are going to confer !unessesary answers like thats gross of no body care bla bla bla.

my questions.

1.What is the everyday sizes of clit ranging from 5cm-1inch
2.What would you considder to be usual?
3.Average labia minora size (the lips)?
4.What can you do if you feel your clit is too small or too generous? (as in sergery or somthing..) that will not hurt subsequently or couse you to lose all the gall in it?
5. same point for labia minora , What can you do if you feel your labia minora is too small or too generous? (as in sergery or somthing..) that will not hurt then or couse you to lose all the brashness in it?

Thank you for reading my question, i hope to get some helpfull answers


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I'm not a woman, but as a nurse, Ive seen in the region of every variation you can visualize... The clitoris as a whole averages more or less 10cm (4 inches) in length. Of that, I would say the average amount exposed 0.5 to 1.0cm. I enjoy seen clits as big as your thumb (and looked for all the world resembling a little penis), or small as a BB, and the sensitivity doesn't give the impression of being to relate to amount exposed (unless it is totally recessed within the hood). The shield of total recession is the ONLY time one should consider surgical modification to the clitoris or surrounding tissue! The nerves are FAR too easy to ruin...

One note: The other bring to a close of the clitoris sometimes runs very close to the inner walls of the vagina. This results in the world-famous G-Spot... If the external portion of your clitoris doesn't appear sensitive enough, try experimenting near finding the other end...

The labia can be modified surgically, but unless your fluent arrangement precludes sexual pleasure, it is NOT a good conception. Neither is stretching because of potential nerve reduce to rubble. The person above who suggested you look at a widespread range of actual labia pictures have a good hypothesis. It really is a case of where on earth "normal" encompasses such a widespread range that the possession "average labia" is pretty much meaningless...
Best to you, Amy!
Ed, RN

Yeast Infection Help!!?

You might visit a plastic surgeon who specializes surrounded by genitalia alteration. He or she might be able to carry out a procedure to further expose your clitoris from under the clitoral hood (the skin the covers the clitoris). There logically could be sensation-risks associated with the procedure...if one exists...but single a qualified doctor could tell you for sure.

As for your labia, those can be surgically altered to be smaller number ummmm..."flappy" (sorry...I couldn't think of an appropriate adjective!). If they're too small for your fondness, stretching manually could probably help (just approaching the rest of your body, the skin of your labia can be stretched beyond its normal boundaries and it would probably stay that path after enough stretching).
Again, you would have need of to contact a plastic surgeon who specializes in these sorts of things.

I'm sorry if this wasn't moderately what you were looking for, but honestly, I've never really thought give or take a few this. :-(

Sorry If this posted twice but I didnt see it so: Is it a urine infection?

Like boobs, vaginas, clits, look different from person to being. If it's too large or too small surrounded by your opinion you shouldn't be concerned because from what my guy friends enjoy told me they don't really notice or it really doesn't business. If you're really worried, see your doctor. They have surgery to tighten the hole, cut maw, and add a fix hymen, but i'm not sure about anything near the clit.

I have an IUD and reckon I had miscarriage, comfort?

They all look completely different. As long as it works, what's to worry just about?

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