Yeast Infection Help!!?

My girlfriend has a yeast infection and she is itching and burning really bad in her vaginal area. We wanted to know what are some useful tips on relieving the itching and the pain? So far she has used monistate one and vagisal those only helped alittle or barely at all. What else out there can she buy or is there something at home that she can use to help her. Please help!

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Firstly I would say doctors is the best step, just to make sure that it is in fact a yeast infection and seek treatment this way as if it is a particularly bad yeast infection sometimes medical treatment via prescription is the only way of dealing with the problem.

I would also say however to try home methods such as putting plain pro-biotic yogurt into/onto her vagina/vulva at night, washing off in the morning, alternatively using a clove of peeled garlic into her vagina before bed, another good one I use often is tea tree essential oil into the vagina.

Obviously avoid anything that could further the infection – don't wash with soap or feminine washes, no feminine wipes or baby wipes, no tampons, no commercial pads, no tongs, no tight clothing, no synthetic clothing, lower sugar and alcohol intake, increase intake of pro-bio.

There are a lot of other ideas, I would say that it is very important not just to treat the infection but to try to restore bacterial and yeast balence within the vagina as well as prevent further infections, have a look through the following sites for more information;

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Theres a prescription pill (can't remember the name of it).. One dose and its gone pretty quickly.

Eat lots of yogurt and drink a lot of water. Try to stay away from sugary foods as if "feeds" a yeast infection.

The active cultures in yogurt help regulate the amount of yeast in your body.

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she needs more obviously than a one day treatment have her get monastat 3 or 7 these kits also come with external cream she can use around not inside the vaginal area and dont have sex with her even with a condom till this is compleatly cleared up

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I just got over one again uggggggggggh. The best thing i can say is to get some monistat 3 or 7. Also buy these pills call AZO yeast which is very good. Wear lose fitting close around the crotch area. And whatever she does do not scratch it will make it worse and spread. Drink lots of water and eat lots of sugar free yogurt. And do not have sex with her because you can get it to. I know because my b.f caught it from me. And it hurt like hell for him.

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It might not be a yeast infestion, it could be a bacterial infection. You could try vinegar or lemon juice to get rid of the itch but the cream they give you for a yeast infection should have helped the itch alot. Try the cream treatment instead of the capsules but most of all I would say go to the doctor. Read up online about the symptoms of a yeast infection and make sure that is what it is.

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if you live in a hot climate, it could be female jock itch. if the yeast infection medication does not work, try some the over the counter medication for jock itch.

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it is best to first check with her doctor if she really had fungal infection or other kind of infection. so he doctor can prescribe the right medication because itching and burning is not only the symptoms of yest infection, it may be from other source.
my ob-gyne prescribed canesten 6 to me when i've got yeast infection.

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I strongly suggest for your girlfriend to see her OBGYN, specially since she is having reoccurring yeast infection. She needs to rule out other health problems with similar symptoms.

In the meantime, prevent unprotected sex, since men can also contract yeast infections from partners with such infection (NOTE: Don't worry --- yeast infection IS NOT a STD, but men also can contract it from their partners)

As general information, I am providing the following summary and reference for both of you.

Yeast infection usually is cause by over population of Candida Albicans in the vagina, rectum, and mouth. While it is known to be a women health issue, men also can contract a yeast infection, if they have unprotected sexual activity with a partner who has a yeast infection.

Factors that may contribute to development of yeast infection are as follow:

•Antibiotic treatments (it is recommended while taking antibiotic to eat plain yogurt having “active Yeast” as one of its ingredients)
•Oral contraceptives
•Hot weather or non-ventilating clothing, which increase moisture and warmth, fostering fungal growth
•Repeated intercourse over a short period of time
•Suppressed immune system (including HIV)
•High carbohydrate intake, especially refined sugars and alcohol
•In cases, it has been observed that certain types of soaps, powders, new detergents and other products which cause irritation.
While there are many over counter medication to treat Yeast Infection, it is always advised to see a physician to ensure the symptoms are only yeast infection and nothing else. Note that there are other health problems, including a few STDs which have similar symptoms, thus they should be ruled out ASAP.

Is a yeast infection dangerous?
While yeast infections can cause severe discomfort and rarely cause serious health problems, recurring yeast infections may be difficult to prevent or cure, due to other underlying problems.

To learn more about Yeast Infection, what causes the problem, its symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, preventions, and its danger level, please refer to the following provided reference URL.

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