Bad toe need help to get it to heal?

Pulled out a hang staple now is infected, bene on antibiotics for this 4 time presently in the concluding 1whole month now any ideaes? thankfulness for your help.

Have feminine questions, doctor be know help?

ru diabetic if it should have heal by now

Is this a tough height/weight?

You should go pay for to the doc and let them know that the medication that they give u doesn't work.

I took plan b?

use procain penicillin powder on it and leave it to dry on its own. make-up heals wounds better than anything else. a brand new nail will grow out if the pulling be done properly.

Random black pube?

Have had infected toe too copious times to count. I go to my doctor and hold him surgically remove the corner of my toenails. You sure you don't have a sliver of staple still stuck in your toe cause it to stay infected?

Ladies, prior to starting your monthly menstrual cycle do your nipples become hard?

if that didn't work they want to lance it...they numb it and label a small incision and put antibiotics directly in...that will doc and report to him that's what ya want...i went through like peas in a pod thing...honest luck hun..i hope it feels better


soak your foot contained by as hot of water as you can stand next to epsom salt within it.

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