Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?

i went to the er and they said i enjoy Pelvic Inflammatory Disease my boyfriend gave this to me . i enjoy only have sex with one party . but my question is will i be cured of this . and will this effect me hold kids in the future

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Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is caused by an overgrowth of microbes in the upper reproductive tract. It can be cause by any type of bacteria, though it is most commonly associated next to gonorrhea and chlamydia. It can be cured with antibiotics. It can, however produce problems with conception and increase the possibility of a tubal pregnancy, depending on how much mark tissue is present in the fallopian tubes. Microsurgery can sometimes back this, though not always.

If it be gonorrhea or chlamydia, your boyfriend probably did give it to you, considering he is the individual guy you've been near. However, if it is not caused by one of those two, it could be anything.

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What I know is that PID as it's sometimes call is caused by bacterial and yeast infections that travel untreated or are poorly treated. It is possible to treat in the impulsive stages but becomes more difficult near the "age" of the disease. I would like to point out that these days, chlamydia is not spread through sex alone. It can be caught by using a public bathroom even or even sharing a loo with your roomie of domestic member who happen to have it.

PID when it's given a kismet to run it's course results in infertility, the inflammation and scarring go all the means of access to the fallopian tubes. My advice for you is to shift see your doctor and get on some medication nifty. I doubt you've got to the stage where on earth you need surgery all the same but some antibiotics... strong ones might be in command. All the best

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