What happens if your IUD strings are cut too short...?

and go up previous your cervix? Does anyone know how they will remove the IUD when the time comes if the strings are way up nearby?


It could make the removal a bit more difficult, because they may have need of to dilate your cervical canal a bit within order to find the strings for removal. The strings are possibly solely a centimeter or two shorter than they ought to be, so it might not be that difficult.

But just so you're aware of this reality. You may not have like peas in a pod doctor remove your IUD that inserted it, and your insertion doctor may not have made a entry in your medical database, so you'll have to update your removal doctor of the problem.

You may also want to have a spanking new IUD inserted anyway, because the strings are how you know that your IUD is still in place. Without them, you don't know if the IUD has be expelled or might have shifted, going away you open for possible pregnancy.

What Happens??

I work surrounded by a clinic that does iud inserts! You need to give the name your doctor asap, and let them know in the region of the situation, they mit have to remove it and put a bright one in! Just hail as incase! so you don't get a infection also

If the doctor said you are fine! afterwards really have nothen to verbs about, but ask her abou that! i never hear that with the doctors here, usually they hold it out and redo it!

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