Period help?

i got my length early because i be really stresed out, and now its really own, and it hurts so bad, how to i comfort this durring school?

what will cause me feel better?


I have sex for the first time recently and bled after it. Is this run of the mill?

Calm down. Take Aleve. It has Neproxin in it and it really help with the unbroken cramp thing.

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If you are having really desperate cramps you can take some midol or advil. If that does not oblige and the pain is persistent for more that a few days you should go see a doc. That track he can see if there is something wrong. I hope this help.

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midol helps me profusely and i am going through what u r right now and sometimes i simply have 2 appropriate a break from life..i would suggest taking a long hot tub (helps relieve cramps) or go out 4 a run or ride a bike (also help with cramps) they facilitate me get my mind stale of things that are bothering me

What (besides pregnancy) could make u miss ur spell?

Sorry to hear about the time of year pain(i know it sucks) Things that may help are to: Take some Midol, Tylenol,or Ifeprofeun.Simple exercises approaching stretches help relax muscles, as does a heat pad or hot-water bottle. Relax and lift a warm tub. Cut back on spicy foods, drink plenty of water, and mop up your face regulary to aviod acne. Hope this help!

Does sex feel at adjectives different depending if the guy is circumcised or not?

You might have cramps. Take pramprin, tylenol, midol, advil, anything that say it gets rid of cramps. Take it surrounded by the morning before you vacate for school that channel it will be digested and working. Don't take it when you start to touch the cramps, it won't work. If you have discouraging cramps you should take it contained by the morning, every morning that you're on your period. Not taking it is not a well brought-up idea, I once threw up because of cramps.

Are any of you currently on or own you ever tried immunotherapy injections?

I would suggest taking plain old Ibruprofen,it works really resourcefully,and its even made for severe cramping,and if they are still hurting you,you can take one of those roast wraps along with you to university.They work VERY WELL.Trust me,I have the sameeeee problem,ill-fatedly.But I just lift some Ibruprofen and I wear a heat wrap around my waist,and it help alot.I am the same method,I get cramps soo fruitless,that they make me nauseas.And try not to stress any,that always help,and stay off the cast-offs food,and the sugar.drink plenty of water,and you should be fine----------------------hope you start opinion better!----~Fuzz Ball~

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