How do you know when to go for a smear test, does your doctor contact you?

I am 21 and I have be sexually active beside the same creature for 2 years. I have merely ever slept with him. Haven't notice any changes down within just needed to know when am I supposed to start going for them. Is it when I'm 25 and over, or because I'm sexually active do I start in a minute?


Plan b pilll?

I would pop along and get your first smear, within the States they are much more aggressive than we are here and do them much more often. In masses practices the nurse does the smears, so ask about that pick.

i have gas within my abdominal/stomach area.. and it's massacre me !?

My wife went for one, consequently gets a missive from her doc when she is due again.

Missed period situation.?

You tight-fisted your pap smear? You need to start presently and go every year. It have nothing to do near whether you are active or not.

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I usually return with a letter lately to let me know that I involve to make an appointment for a regular exam. I've only have 2 partners, be with second one ages, but I still recommend getting regular test just, not so much for STI but to check for any phenomenal cells to be on the sheltered side!! :)

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my doctor sends me a postcard. I started going after I started my period and bacame sexually moving. You should go every year no event what!
I have uternine cancer in my inherited, so i will never miss a checkup!

Is there any course to make my interval end quicker?

I've be going annually since I turned 18 or since I started having sex. You can never be too far-sighted when it comes to your health. I recommend you shift... It only take like 30 mins. Plus not every disease have symptoms or visible change so it is always better to be undamaging and get checked out.

Peirod query?

you get contacted when you're over 25 but move about book ne if you want to feel safe
they won't stop you at adjectives

Trouble finding the g-spot?

well I'm 22 and i have have one smear done but i was 18 when that happen only because i have to kids by then i regard it is when u r 22 they start y don't u just phone your gp and they should explain to u over the phone what age u have to be save phone the nhs up

How u feel at the time of interval and what u do please guide?

As you are sexually active you should book your first appt very soon. It's never too early. Remember its not the nicest point we girlies have done to us but it save a lot of lives. After the first check they dispatch for you at three yearly intervals.

Strange body odor, women at work, what is it?

I get a letter through the correspondence for my first smear and all the ones since, you could other ring the surgery and ask.

Help please! Doctors?

hi, as soon as u start being sexually helpful then i would budge for test next every 3 years not as bad as you may hold heard and economically worth the peace mind the soon they catch exceptional cells the better. hope this help x

I have an odor to my ** what should i do !!?

Hi as you are sexually helpful I would go and see your dr and ask to be booked within for one .
Then you will be sent a card through the post to remind you to book for another one in three years. It would be yearly if any point abnormal be found.
They are slightly uncomfortable but they are worth the slight discomfort as if within is abnormal cell the earlier they pick them up the better it is for you.

Girls and Women Only : How can I avoid one surprized by my second period?

now! although your sure of your manner how do you know your partner has acted like

am i pregnant?

if you have never have one you should make an appointment next to your gp or clinic to have one after they will recall you when you are due for another

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