After effects of Depo!?

Ok, so I got my first and solitary shot in October. I get a mini period on the 12th. It be light and last like 3 days. Then I have a week of on and off pinkish discharge, vitally like once a light of day I would notice it. Then a few days of zilch. Now, like minimal spotting. I usually get hold of a bit of a cramp, then subsequent time I use the bathroom, a little blood. This happen like once a morning. About every other day. I enjoy had cramps since the 12th, and lower stern aches too. I own had two cynical HPT's, and got a blood tryout today. My Dr. wants to play the very well lets see what happen in time winter sport. Just wondering if anyone else has have this kind of craziness after Depo? That stuff should be outlawed. I'm pretty sure my body hate me for ever getting it! Hehe! But really, what is going on? And is it normal?

Girls singular plz?

Depo screws near your system.

Trust me, I was on it for four years and am so glad I am rotten of it.

I had mood swings, consignment gain, and I spotted at odd times.

When should I achieve my period?

hello i be on depo twice once when i was younger and i own recently be of of it for 9 months now and i am still dealing beside side affect i actually enjoy a post on here myself regarding depo and a class exploit lawsuit if there are any but any road these are some side affects of the depo provera but the side affects pamphlet and most doctors say that they are in danger of extinction but if you type in depo provera horror stories contained by pretty much any search engine and at hand are so many woman have the same problems from the depo some even after solitary one shot well I hope i enjoy helped you some:):):)

Is it adjectives for women to have a fruitless taste discharge(from vagina)?what could be the inflict of it?

Same thing happen to me... the dosage wasn't stonrg enough for my body the doc can administer you pills to take along next to it but what is the point I got the shot twice and same entry so then I switched to Necon and no problems

I'm waiting on results of a pelvic ultrasound, ordered because of severe torment in my ovaries and lower stern.

Hi there!

First of adjectives, don't ever go pay for on Depo. I have 2 sons, and inbetween them, I be on the depo. I stopped and got pregnant no problems. Then after my youngest, I go back on it again. My husband and I approved that we would like to try for newborn #3, and then that's it, so I cancelled my appointment and we own since been trying. Only problem is, it's be 2 years.

I have have real strange periods since I get off it 2 years ago, indisputable light period, basically close to the spotting you'd get until that time your period, and I thought, hey, this isn't right. They also last 2, maybe 3 days, some months they would single last 1 sunshine. My body went hindmost to normal beforehand when I got past its sell-by date it the first time, regular periods, common flow, the works. I went to the dr and she did blood work. She afterwards diagnosed me with PCOS - Polycysticoveries. I lived for a year of pure hell, because that can definately fold your system and prevent you from having children. I be so stressed and upset it was unreal. THEN, I go back to see a different dr, and he did blood test and it came backbone that the hormone that was dignified, was backbone to normal. I asked if it be possible that the original doctor have taken my blood work at ovulation time, when that level would be giant and i was told yes, explicitly possible, because the blood work was done at a different time the second time around.

I be then put on birth control pills to see if that would give a hand regulate my cycle and maybe getting my interval going full force again. Next week I will know for sure if the pills worked or not, because I went past its sell-by date of them.

I full heartedly agree with you that Depo should be outlawed. I know someone who bled VERY sweet for months after depo, she went through pure hell.

I would definately do alot of research, and if you're unsure in the order of what one doctor tells you, stir and seek the direction of another doctor. I am also on a waiting list to see a gynocologist and she'll do more trialling and stuff on me. Hopefully I'm pregnant before I procure called for an appointment.

I aspiration you all the luck. I know what you're going through.

Is nearby a medical name for a girl who feel like she is deformed physically even though she is o.k. looking?

Don't shift back for your second shot. Unfortunately the side effects you are experiencing are NORMAL and not as impossible. Depo messed up my freshmand year of school and soon to be my sophmore. I own had my spell of 13 weeks STRAIGHT. NO BREAK. You are a lucky one. I hope your side effects wear off soon. If not travel to your GYN and he/she will prescribe you a low dose of BC to regulate your hormones and will take you rotten that after 2 months. That's what I have to do if I ever want to gain rid of my period. Get resourcefully.

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