I requirement minister to... plz girls with the sole purpose :)?

ok. so when i shave my legs, there are little dots adjectives over my legs... i don't know if they are open pores or what. can someone please relay me what they are or how i can get rid of them? thank you!

Answers:    it happen to some people, you hold dark hair it seems.
please, don't sunburn them!
just try to shave as little as you can ( i know its a bit gross)
also, try using some exfoliating scrub earlier you shave, i always do! it get rid of dryness and anything else on your legs :)
ingrown hairs.
in that not really anyway to get rid of them...
but if you sahve your legs ALOT afterwards dont do them as often .
it's not ingrown hair because those hurt so it may be open pores or the pores be scratched. capably it could be razor imprudent (shaving to close or without cream) or hair you have missed
blade rash go away on its own kinda like a pimple
Razor burn. It's probably blade burn or rash because that used 2 begin 2 me but it would go away the subsequent day!! It be really bad after i use nair but it does budge away!! Good Luck :]

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