Does this nouns resembling it could be pregnancy or a side effect from the morning after pill?

My last period be March 20th, I had unprotected sex a few times with my bf this month... Once we be drunk and he didnt pull out on Friday 4th of april. On sunday I took 5 aleese and then another 5 aleese within 12 hours. I heard from a pharmacist that works as the morning after pill. The rest of the month he always pulled out but after this month my body started to act strange and its scarying me a lot. For one my length is always a 28 day cycle...I get my period 2 days early on the 15th of April when I be supose to get it on the 17th. It was hugely light and only for a time and a half. The bleeding stopped and then a few days next I have had a bit bit of brown spotting once in awhile. Yesterday my breast have started hurting really really doomed to failure and their super sore...they havent stopped being sore since lol...I'm also very hysterical little things are making me cry when I'm not a cryer at all...I could be reading a article contained by cosmo or watching oprah and suddenly im in tears

I enjoy hypothyroidism and the oral exam isn't supposed to be better than 5.2 but it come out to 8.2. is that seriou

Have you not heard of birth control, Princess? Don't be stupid. I'm not trying to be expect... but really. If you're not smart enough to be responsible then you shouldn't be have sex. I'm sorry you didn't have anyone close enough to you to bring up to date you this. What is "aleese"??

What are homones and when can u catch them?


Im 15 and havent have a length contained by 2 months?why?

Sounds like your pregnant. I have 4 me i know. Get a pregancy oral exam.

Anyone here whos first extent be brown? plz answer - contained by detail?

take a test, nil more accurate.

Shaving grill?

I'd go into see your doctor for a pregnancy test freshly to make sure. the morning after pill is best used within 72 hours of unprotected sex but works even better if used inwardly 48 hours and it sounds like you waited and it might not hold worked enough.

Will it breed me loose?

you might be pregnant, or it could be your hormones going a little hay flex. only you know your body and if you want to ease your mind i voice you should just get a check and plan your next step. if you're not then you could breathe a sigh of nouns and take better precautions.

Itching Milky Discharge?

If you are pregnant, lets hope the tot killing pills you took don't deform your child or mar it's developing brain. then again, you sound resembling the type to go to a clinic and kill the poor entry because you're irresponsible with sexual intercourse. Use protection, don't take the morning after pill. contract with consequences of your actions. STOP KILLING BABIES!
EVERYONE reading this stir to and you will understand ...

Late Period?

I found out I was pregnant when I notice the veins on my chest also! (I have 4 kids very soon!) That was always one of the first signs for me. But do a theory test to be sure! I don't know the side effects of the morn after pill but it sounds more like your pregnant to me! Best of luck!

Birth control sound out?

You know pulling out isn't exactly an effective birth control method because of pre-***, right?

If I be you, I'd definitely take a pregnancy examination. And if its negative, I'd use condoms from now on (But even those aren't 100% effectual... but its odds are much better than pulling out)

I have sex ultimate year. If I will own pap trial will it still show if I have sex though it be a year ago?

I'm worried in the region of going to the gyno's bureau...?
Birth control?
What's a vaginacologist?
  • Virginity issues?
  • I have a miscarrge and i am so depressed?

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