Things my mama never told me about getting pregant. PLease help me!?

I thought i was self smart by noy having unprotected sex on the 13th, 14th and 15th days of my cycle b/c i thought i hear that was the with the sole purpose time a women could get pregant (ya know when she ovulates) ..but i just now heard that u could bring pregant at almost anytime of ur cycle is that true? Also is it really true that the last 3 days previously u period is to start it is undeniably impossible to get prego even if u hold unprotected sex and he stay in? I do not use any form of birth control b/c i thought i have this whole entity figured out..guess i be wrong im 22 by the way if u be wondering thank for anyhelp ahead of tiime

How will a doctor know if a woman has have sex?

You can get pregnant ANY TIME. Even when you are on your extent. Women, on average, ovulate on the 14th day of their cycle. That is basically an AVERAGE, though. Women can ovulate at any time. No woman's body is a perfect clock, and so women repeatedly ovulate sooner or later than that.

Some women ovulate irregularly and never know when it might occur. Some women ovulate more than once a month, making them more likely to own twins.

If you don't want to risk getting pregnant, you need to use condoms or birth control. I am unquestionably amazed that no one have told you this. You should also know that a man doesn't even need to enter you for you to become pregnant. On greatly rare occasion, just ejaculate on or near your vagina can mete out a pregnancy.

Also, to protect yourself from sexually-transmitted diseases, you need to use condoms. Condoms will not protect you from herpes or crabs (genital lice). Please see a doctor right away to product sure you don't already have a sexually-transmitted disease. Some do not enjoy symptoms, but can cause you to become infertile anyway.

Good luck, and be more far-sighted.

Taking my little cousin to the gyno?

Um, as far as I am aware, you can get pregnant at any time of your cycle - I get pregnant towards the end of mine - give or take a few 5 days before due so don't know roughly that time being the safest - you should other, always use birth control, esp if you don't hold a regular partner! Unless you want a baby!!

HELP im tubby and need direction?

The only path not to get pregnant is by not have sex. It is possible for you to get pregnant at any point during your cycle (including when you're menstruating). I enjoy never heard of a time during your cycle when it's impossible for you to achieve pregnant.

Breast Augmentation?

your most fertile 3-4 days before you ovulate.

Sex up to that time and after this time has a lower chance of resulting in fertilization.

Your egg can be fertilized up to 24 hours after ovulation.

Sperm can survive in the uterus+tubes 48 hrs after sex.

The best opening to pinpoint ovulation, though, is by using a urine LH kit to examination your urine each hours of daylight around the middle of your cycle. A color change on the theory test stick predicts that ovulation will occur inside the next 18-36 hours.

Factor adjectives these in to your situation.

I am simply 22 years old but I grain like my perkiness is decreasing fast.?

The solitary safe time is during your menstrual length and that is a personal choice and your partner, you can notice when you are ovulating, you bring back a bit of discharge, but still not a reliable method, I suggest you head sour to your nearest family planning clinic and discuss STD and birth control option

what is wrong with her?

you can solitary use the calendar method which is what you are doing albeit wrongly if you have a regular cycle of 28 days... worth by counting on the calender from the beginning of your spell using 28 days on the 28th day you would be having you're subsequent period.

example if your time started on april 4 by using the 28 day cycle your subsequent period would be may 1.

still near me? if you count 14 days backward from may 1 you would be ovulating on april 18 which technique there's an egg to be fertilized and you would find pregnant

the SAFE DAYS WOULD BE FROM APRIL 4 (which you still have your term to APRIL 14! why april 14 and not april might ask because there's a opportunity of plus or minus 3 to 5 days.

the calendar method is not a very out of danger method for birth control cause not everybody have a regular 28 day cycle and some women according to recent research in reality ovulate 2x in a month!!

use a condom...protects you from STDs or a pill which is certainly cheap and some can help variety your skin cleared like Diane (that's the pills name)

hope this help! have risk-free sex ALWAYS!! and please don't ever resort to abortion if you DO GET UNWANTED PREGNANCY. if you don't want to keep the babe have it adopt..maybe Angelina and Brad would want another enclosure to their family!

My period come at weird times..what should i do more or less it?

First of all, I don't believe that getting pregnant at ANY time during your cycle is possible. You are across the world in jeopardy of becoming pregnant only for a week or so during your cycle, and this week corresponds to your ovulation date (nearly a week back and a couple of days after, in the event that you ovulate twice surrounded by a cycle).

That said, cycles can sometimes be thrown off, and you can ovulate nearer than normal, subsequent than normal, or not at adjectives. This is why the traditional 28-day calendar method is a very unreliable form of birth control. A much better bearing is to use the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), which trains you to recognize several different fertility signs, similar to basal (first waking temperature), your cervical fluid, and even your cervical position. (Why they don't edify this in giant school condition classes is beyond me).

When you check these signals of your body, you will become more in tune near your cycle and your possibility of becoming pregnant.

I highly recommend the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler for more information. Most inhabitants use FAM to conceive, but it can also be used to avoid pregnancy. This site even has a great software program that keep track of your charts for years, so that it can even predict things like ovulation and term dates contained by the future. Check out the website below.

I currently use the book and software, surrounded by conjunction with condoms and economy to prevent pregnancy. I recommend it to all women.

P.S. This method will NOT prevent STDs! Please be out of danger!

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