I haven't had a period in a month, but I am NOT pregnant. Any explaination?

I just started on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo (a type of "the pill")on August 6th. It say you may have a lighter, smaller quantity painful period- but I haven't have one at all! I should enjoy started a few days ago and I even had the pre interval cramps I normally return with. I did bleed here and there right after I stared the pack final month after my period, but nil major. Has this ever happen to you? Recommend some good sites for research

Does anyone know if the birth control shot, Depo Privera can variety you not be able to achieve pregnant?

When I was on Ortho, indistinguishable thing happen to me too, and I freaked out. After a few rounds of the pills my body became normalize and you will most likely hold your period close the end of the 4th week, when you are taking the sugar pills.

Give your body at least possible 3 months on any brand of pill before switchng to really see what the effects of it are. And if you are really still puzeled call for the doctor for advice. Good luck.

For a woman: Shaved or unshaved?

Before I read your details, I be going to ask your age. If you're mid-to late 40's you may not be need to take the pill much longer.

You should bargain to your doctor or pharmacist (I know, I sound resembling a commercial).

Sorry, I've never been on any pill, and don't know fitting sites, but you could do searches for medical recommend and the drug you're on.

I still say it's best to communicate directly beside the people who know your medical history and the drug.

how will i no in the order of when my first period will come?

Your body is trying to regulate itself. But I have a feeling you should let your doctor know what is up. Maybe try OrthoTrCyclen.com

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