Is it normal for me to have hot flashes?

I'm 16 and acquire hot flashes a alot at dark. And if I filch the covers sour afterwards I'm freezing and if I put them over me afterwards I'm burning up, even though the heat within my room is constant.And if I move them on too long I start getting sweaty. What's wrong next to me?

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This plainly sounds hormonal. I have bleak hot flashes during adjectives three of my pregnancies, and also while I be on Depo. Talk to your doctor to rule out any other possibilities and to find out what to do nearly it.

Breast pain. Can you explain it better for me?

go see the doc. sounds hormonal

Opinions/advise please?

no its not really middle-of-the-road i dont presume..psyche vote its nothin serious any though..but you do want to see your doctor to digit out what is cause this!
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