Please give me some answers.?

Im worried sick, my sister AGE17 just go to the doctor because she has a intertwine on her breast. Please tell me what it could be excluding cancer. Im so scared right immediately I dont want to eat or anything. I hope it will be something besides cancer. Im so terrified.

thanks guys. I appreciate your time.

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Hi Eric.. it's sooo nice that you worry just about your sister...I'm sure she really appreciates that...she probably has a cyst, because she is 17 and usually teenagers don't have breast cancer, so in recent times a little surgery will help out removing it but she will be fine.. so don't worry ok?... accurate luck with your sister ;)

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It could be a cyst or a fibroid tumor.

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At about age 17 my sister developed a small cyst surrounded by her breast. It was totally benign and removed beside a very simple surgery. Hope everything turns out all right for your sister!

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I too enjoy what you call a "knot" on my breast . it is a cyst and pretty adjectives and safe and I am fine .I hope to be precise what your sis has well brought-up luck.

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My friend's mom have breast cancer for a while. We were adjectives worried but we prayed and hoped and everything turned out fine. If you are scared reckon of all the virtuous times you have have together. And just believe if she has cancer and pass away (which probably won't happen) she'd be in a better place.

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Whilst most relatives would jump to the conclusion that it is cancer, I don't believe breast cancer is that adjectives in youthful females. A breast abscess could cause a toughness in the breast. There is also mastitis, a bacterial infection of the breast that cause an area of sturdiness; this usually occurs within breastfeeding mothers. However, it can occur even contained by women who are not breastfeeding or pregnant.

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it doesn't even have to be a cyst...few years put a bet on i found a lump or knot and go thru all trialling...breast exam and mammogram...turned out that my lymph nodes were swollen. occassionally they still swell but i no longer verbs when it happens. angelic luck to your sister--i hope her story ends like mine did.

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Hodgkin's Lymphoma is a type of cancer of the lymph nodes but it can be cured if caught impulsive (before it spreads to lymph nodes on the other side of the body). There are Stages of the disease (I-IV) with I and II individual the least serious.

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