Sore lips?

My lips own been really sore, chapped and dry lately. My mom said she think its because my fever have been so impossible lately (was hallucinating).

Does that make sense? Whats the best approach to fix them aside from chap stick?

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hey u are on my detail! so i have to grant u a really good answer and well brought-up info!

well commonly chapped lips are from dehydration. but another adjectives issue is dry conditions. like for example if u out within the winter the air is severely dry and can chap your maw very like a shot. this doesn't sound resembling the case here!

it sounds resembling dehydration. so my recommendation is no purely water, but to drink a electrolyte replacement fluid resembling gatorade or powerade sports type drink. it has sugars, salt, and other stuff that will be quicker than water alone.

hope u consistency better soon!

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Speak to your Psychiatrist.

what is cefributen?

Drink lots of water

i own a broken blood vessel what should i do?

I would go see a dermatologist. And if you are hallusinating ,you should budge see a doctor for that. This is very serious.

Period or pregnancy?

Fever does craft your lips dry & cracked. Try lip balm or some olive grease. It could heal.

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Who be hallucinating?

YEEEOWCH! this happen to anyone else?

Could be getting restlessness blisters. Which is basically a cold sore. People who hold gotten really sick have be known to obtain them.

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You could try applying some unscented hand lotion that have "crack relief" or "advanced healing" type of ingredients. That tends to work okay for my lips after they've become massively chapped.

Just because..?

If it is do to a fever...the disorientation causes dehydration which within turn causes dry skin, dry jaws and so on. I would try drinking Gatorade (this is an oral electrolyte), propel (another oral electrolyte, however lower calorie than Gatorade) and lots of water. (Try applying chapstick too.) If this doesn't work, see a doctor.

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