my mom smokes. and i got her the nicotine patch and she put them on 2 days ago and now she took it rotten and started smoking again and now im sorta cracked at her and i dont kno wat to do talking to her doesnt aid.

how do you relieve stresss?

I know you want the best for your mom but honey your going to have to tolerate her make the decree to stop. No one can make some one else do what they don't want done. The ripened saying is you can head a horse to water but you can't gross them drink.
best of luck

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its biddable that you are worried about your mom! Try relating her about the risks and problems associated near smoking. Then if you think it will relieve start to cry a lil this always help ;)

I exercise faithfully and when I do not lose weightiness I sabotage my diet.?

she have to do it for herself not for anyone else

my dad smokes and we've tried everything. he just won't stop : (

worthy luck with your mom!

Tampons, what are the diffrences between.?

tell her she is a impossible influense on you. take the cigarettes and "pretend" to smoke.or help yourself to them and dont give it to her. relay her she spends for than $1,000 on Cigarettes. it could save her a great deal of money!

How much less potent??

my mom used to smoke but i kept telling her to stop cuz she could die and i want a mom. i kept recounting her everyday for 5 years then she quit cold turkey

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You probably cant own her quit right away, but you might can get her to cut down. For example approaching me I will munch on pumpkin seeds which will save you busy and get your mind bad smoking. Getting her to cut down and doing exercises like walking prompt or jogging will support her health. Stopping completely take time. Don't put pressure it will only form her smoke more.

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Urging a relative and love one to stop smoking is a difficult task which requires constant support, endeavour & patience.

I am currently helping my bf to stop smoking too.
Not much nouns though. It's been 3 yrs and I am still waiting for him to stay determinded to his promise. I am hugely worried for his health and am praying thorny that he will overcome soon.

Being a successful quiter myself. I just give up smoking one fine day short anyone breathing down my neck. I contracted I have have enough of smokes and wanna to head a healthy lifestyle. Moreover... smoking make me sound really desperate whenever I sing... not to mention the foul breath, bad skin and smelly clothings.

It really lies near the determination of the smoker. If he or she really resolved to quit smoking... they can do it. Normally many will cite work stress self one of their primary reason.
Gentle urging from love ones recommended too.

Do not gain upset. Keep perservering your good work.

Won't we sanctify when they can manage their smoking traditions? I am praying the day to come when my bf quits successfully.

Is this a capillary down thereis it healthy or what? Mature answers please?


You can never motivate someone else to do anything in go. People will only do what they want to do.

It works approaching this.

Everything we do is for 1 of 2 reasons: to avoid PAIN or return with PLEASURE.

Someone who eats too much, is overweight and doesn't exercise, get too much PLEASURE from their food and doesn't like the PAIN associated beside getting fit.

We have relationships because the pleasure from person with someone exceeds the twinge of being alone.

Someone keep smoking, despite the risks, because the PAIN of not smoking is greater (in their mind) than the PLEASURE of smoking.

It is only when that character feels that smoking give them more pain than pleasure, will they stop. Until they manage that point, they will smoke.

It's all in the order of their emotions. It is not just about an addiction or a chemical imbalance - they're excuses.

An example, if your mother know that someone she loved would die the instant she lit up another cigarette, she would stop immediately. Why? Because the cramp exceeds the pleasure.

When there is an from the heart reason to stop, she will stop - and she won't entail patches or dream therapy.

One person I know can grasp someone to stop smoking within 60 minutes. He forces them to smoke as abundant as 5 packets of cigarettes within one hour. Then he rubs the cigarette butts and ash in their coat and on their clothes. They are so repulsed by it all, they never stir back.

Why does this work? Because of the PAIN they in a minute associate with smoking.

If you want to help out your mother, first identify her willingness to stop, afterwards help her find a outstandingly emotional point to stop - then connection severe emotional PAIN near smoking.

I trust this helps.


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