Is WebMD reliable? how do you know or where exactly can i find out?


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I believe that it is not. You can learn more and believe to be for yourself in these ways. Go to an Internet prod engine (I used and clicked Advanced Search.
In the box labeled All of These Words I typed in
reliable medical sites internet

You will get plentifully. Some sites give proposal about how to style guru an internet health site. Some sites furnish examples of reliable sites.

I did not see webmd in any index of reliable sites. I certainly did not look at adjectives the sites retrieved but tried to examine a number of them.

Question just about this girl? please help!?

It is reliable, but because you are not self physically examined by a doctor, there may be some issues. It is a upright starting point. Simple things, minor headaches, ache and pains are good topics on the site. If it is something a bit more complex than that, I would definately see a doctor. I have found though, by using such sites as WebMD, that I can research my symptoms and step into the Dr's office much more knowledgable. By asking, "Is it possible that I hold XYZ because of these symptoms..?" Your Doctor can tell you come what may if that is the luggage.

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