Birth control question?

I'm asking for my friend, here cause she asked me, and I enjoy no idea. She only just started birth control and last darkness she missed a pill. She remembered a little bit ago, but she said she be afraid to take it because she'll lift the next one contained by a few hours. Is it okay for her to take two inwardly a few hours of each other, or what should she do?

And newly for my curiosity, what happens if you bear two that close to each other?

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She should read the pamphlet inside the package of pills. If you forget, you are supposed to pinch the next one as soon as possible. The worst side effect is it might engender you a little queasy if you don't pilfer it with a moment or two food.

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she's going to feel green about the gills. but whenever she misses a pill, she should take it right away. after take the other one then.

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Just skip the missed dose and take it as everyday. REad the package insert that comes beside the pills and that will tell you everything you involve to know. If in doubt, phone up your doctor.

Birth control pill?

Yes, she can and should do this. Tell her to take the pill she missed as soon as possible, and the subsequent pill at the regular time. May make her unsettled, but if she doesn't take 2, she may attain pregnant.

HELP Girls only serious ?

What should I do if I forget to run my pill?
If you miss one pill, take one immediately and the next at the usual time.

If you miss two pills surrounded by a row during the first 2 weeks, take two for 2 days and also use backup birth control for the subsequent 7 days. If you miss two or more pills in a row within the third week, or you miss three or more pills in a row anytime, follow this guideline:

If you other start on Sunday, keep taking pills until the subsequent Sunday. Start a new pack that Sunday. Also use backup birth control for the subsequent 7 days.

If you do not start on Sundays (day 1 starters), throw out the rest of the pill pack. Start a new pack that afternoon. Also, use backup birth control for the next 7 days.

On a 28-day pill pack, if you forget any of the 7 "reminder" pills (no hormones), throw out the pills you missed and save taking one each hours of daylight until the pack is empty. You do not have need of a backup method.

If you forget to take a single progestin-only tablet (Micronor, Nor-Q), consult next to your doctor immediately. The haphazard of pregnancy is greater than that with combination (estrogen plus progestin) pills.

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She should take the pill she missed straight away, then nick the next one at the typical time. The instructions should tell her to do this; here's no problem with taking the two that close to respectively other.

The only problem is a slightly reduced efficiency of the pill for that particular month, especially if she misses pills on a regular principle.

She may want to use alternative birth control in amalgamation to the pill until her next cycle, if she's concerned.

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When you miss a pill the subsequent day your term may develop shortly even if it is a small one after this mistake you tell her that she is very soon able to gain pregnant. You need to hang on to it on time every hours of daylight and no excuses. There are pill boxes that have a timer and other keep it within your purse. You should not time your pill at night because specifically when you get tired and most imagined to forget. Take them when you brush your teeth in the morning because a unadulterated slob can only forget to brush within the morning. Keep a schedule and help yourself to it at the most predictable time of your day.

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I acutally own done this before. But I only just took 2 pills in sometime. I would take the pill that i missed as soon as i remembered and afterwards take the other at the regularly schedulued time.

If you miss 1 pill run it as soon as you remember and take your subsequent pill at your usual time. This may mean taking 2 pills in 1 day
If you miss 2 pills one after the other in the first two weeks: Take two pills on the time you remember and two pills the next morning. Finish the rest of the pack as usual. Use a backup form of birth control for one week.

Go to any search engine and type in Birth control pill. On the websites they will usually enlighten you what to do in travel case you miss a day. It also states what to do on the directions that come beside the pill. At least mine other does. Hope this helps.

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