I've lost my period for 3-4 months now due to a poor diet-Do I have to gain weight now to get it back?

My sister keeps relating me this but am not sure whether to believe her.
All my doctor did was notify me I have amenorrea (loss of period) and sent me to blood test and x-rays, which all come out normal. Opinions, Experience?

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The simply condition I've heard of that affects your time of year is anorexia - is that what you have? In that satchel, the only item you can do is eat - sorry...

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Gee, you have better get yourself to another, fitting gynecologist and talk to her seriously almost this. Your hormones have gotten adjectives wonky, so you need to see what's what.

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Get another opinion.. Are you sure the mete out was poor diet? It could be cyst on your overies or heaps other things... see another doctor about this... and consequently ask them... If that is adjectives it is with proper ingestion (not weight gain, though a proper diet may bring some) your spell should return..

A little help please..?

I infer you should definitely work on doing very well your diet...eat more mixed green salads complete next to veggies and fruit...and more protein sources (i.e. tofu or meat)...losing your period is a serious sign that your body is experiencing some helpful of metabolic deficiency...perfect luck!

how do you know when a woman is going into the change?

Yes. Anorexia cause your periods to stop. And you will call for to start eating regularly to draw from it back. Your body shuts down when you starve it (which you've be doing) to save your necessary organs. That's why your periods stopped. When you take back to intake better, they should start up again. You body needs fuel to survive. Starve it again...you probably won't be so lucky subsequent time. People die everyday from anorexia and other eating disorders.

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That depends on how much you lost, and how much you currently weigh. If you are underweight, you'll probably enjoy to gain some back to be forceful enough to own your period. If you only just lost a bunch really fast from poor dieting, you probably merely need to guzzle more nutritous foods. Sounds more like you're bearing too thin, though. If that's the crust, get some lend a hand, please!

Can an anorexic girl be beaten efficiently?

If you have anorexia (usually associated next to amenorrea) then you call for to get to a dietician and acquire on a balanced diet. Having a body obese percentage lower than reccomended (I think it's 11 or 12% minimum for women) will take home your periods stop, but your percentage doesn't call for to be that low to stop, but you do usually have to be underweight for your extent to be affected close to that.

Is this true about period?

I have have a similar experience. A low body fat percentage or increased, strenuous exercise in women can front to this condition. Try increasing the good fat in your diet; expect olive oil, fish, avocados, flax core, etc. In addition, engineer sure that you are getting enough calories to sate your bodies needs during the afternoon, so that it can properly function.

are u unhappy? why? are u miserable and angry? why?

Your sister is absolutely right. Hey, she's your sister, your line, and she cares in the order of you. Why would she lie to you around this?

Go back to your doctor and reach a deal about your poor diet, and the poor self-esteem that prompted that diet. Your doctor can relieve you to get the comfort that you need, both within terms of counselling and in occupancy of your diet.

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Yes, you will hold to gain weight if that's the culprit. Last year, I be underweight by at least 15 pounds and did not hold periods for most of the year. While I be concerned about my person underweight, I also enjoyed not have to worry more or less all of the "fun" of have periods. While I be eating nourishing, I was not consumption enough overweight. That with the yoga and walking I did most days, and I be skinny. When my life changed and I gain some weight, the 15-20 pounds save more, my periods returned. On the tremendously plus side (for my husband and me) it was me getting put money on to a healthy substance that definatly contributed to the quick conception of the child beside which I'm pregnant. It barely took a month of trying.

Just to be sure, though, you should bring a second opinion.

Please i really want to know?

It's amazing how a womans body shipment can affect their periods. If you lose greatly of weight your period can become irregular so is the same if you gain a bunch of solidity. But weight is other the source of the problem. Stress can play a role in it as ably as age and other problems. I know you had blood test done and x-rays, were these test done by a gynecologist or your regular family physician? If you have these tests done by your regular relatives physician, I strongly suggest you go see a gynecologist. Just to return with checked out to be sure that there isn't something else going wrong next to you. It's a process of elimination. Hopefully someone can amount out why you are missing your periods and you can receive comfort. Don't give up and throw within the towel. Be patient and ready to co-operate with your doctors.

I do hope that everything is alright near you and can get your body straightened out.

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