Am I going through menopause at 23?!?
I am 23 and I have not gotten my extent since the 24th of February! (Almost 2 MONTHS!) I took a pregnancy test a few weekends ago, and it come out negative, and I hold not head any syptoms of human being pregnant. I have have cramping and back torment like I'm around to get my spell, but it hasn't come! What is wrong with me? Could I hold some kind of infection or serious problem? HELP!
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If you are stressed or bad that can cause you to miss your extent. You are not going through menopause as you don't list any symptoms of going through menopause. If you are really concerned afterwards call or see your doc.
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Lol hunnie i am very solid you are NOT going through the menopause at 23-years-old it is very dying out at that sort of age and it just won't take place. Irregular periods are really adjectives and you should see your doctor because it could be a sign of a underlying more serious problem that needs medical attention!! The doc might also recommend birth-control to bring your periods rear legs in a cycle again but you should ask if she doesn't mention it. It's a adjectives problem so you shouldn't worry too much xxHow long do girls period last?
It is adjectives for women to miss periods. Physical and stormy stresses can be to blame. I do suggest seeing your doctor. It may be that you are pregnant (not everyone has alike symptoms) or it could be that there may be some variety of hormonal imbalance that may entail to be addressed.I would see your Dr.
You might be pregnant and had a "faulty" check.
If not then the Dr. can lend a hand you figure out what is going on.
Definitely see your OB/GYN. You may own symptoms of poly-cystic ovarian syndrome and birth control can help near that as well as regulate your period.
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