does 1 c-section mean more after, and do i have a chance of natural birth?

i had a c-section beside my first child because of high blood pressure right presently it's good but than again it be good the first time adjectives way up to my 9th month so do i even hold a chance to own a natural delivery

I have need of to delay my extent!!!!?

i had a c-section 11 years ago when i have my twins ive had 4 more children since and they be all born naturaly hope this help

If a virgins cheery poped does she have to be aware of pain or is it one and only when she's having sex?

Our 3rd child be breach, so they did an emergency c-section. our 4th child was deliver naturally.

Do u know that every element of our female is a source of joyment, if u know how to treat it & seduce it?

I`m not sure, my sister couldn`t after hers.

Spotting between Periods?

If you hold to go by your MD, but most C-sections are done by a "low transverse" incision, which make it less credible for the uterus to have problems should a vaginal assignment be attempted afterwards. In reality, VBACs (Vaginal birth after c-sections) are scarce. (one major study showed smaller quantity than 1% of women had uterine rupture.)
Here is a website

Is it smaller quantity effective??

It in some measure depends upon your doctor. Some doctors routinely do C-sec after one has be done. Just don't get induced. There is too much fortune of uterine rupture.

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