Flatter stomach...?

I'm not fat, but I'm not as skinny as I want to be. I want to receive rid of "lovehandles" and make me stomach flatter and longer. Any exercises that will do this for me?

Answers:    start running.. i know everyone hate it! but its the best way to burn large.. and the fastest way.. at first your breathing will be really unpromising but even when you feel approaching you are about to die hold on to running and within two weeks you will be breathing soooo much better and you will be capable of run so much farther then you use to know how to! i try to run 4 days a week and within 3 weeks of doing that my stomach get sooo much flatter and toner!
love handles are made by tight pant most likely jeans , because i solely get them when im wearing a belt next to jeans Same problem here.
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