Can your period cause yeast infection?


What dose it mean.?

Yes, because of your hormones. And I also found out that if you chomp through a lot of sweets, it can trigger more yeast contained by you body, so you have more likelihood of getting a yeast infection. And if you ever have to embezzle an antibiotic, always rob extra vitamin C and it will almost always prevent a yeast infection. Eating yogurt everyday also help, because it gives your body colloquial enzymes that fight bad yeast.

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No, yeast infections are cause by chemical balances surrounded by the body. Many different things can cause the colloquial amount of yeast in your body to increase. If you procure them offend try ingestion yogurt on a daily cause, and see a OB/GYN.

Not pregnant but want to produce breastmilk. Is this possible??

You have to fashion sure to bathe day after day and change your pad/tampons habitually or it could cause infection

Birth contol interrogate?

I've talked beside doctors... No your period will not do a yeast infection, usually if you have one when you start your time of year it will cause it to be in motion away. Too much sugar can cause you gain more yeast infections also if you've been on antibiotics (ex...UTI) it can impose them. The best thing is any the MONISTAT 7 at the store (monistat 3 is ok, but usually monistat 1 doesn't work unless you catch it right at the begining), even better - stir to the doctor they can give a perscription for a single pill and it will clear up pretty like greased lightning.

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