What is A Pap Smear Test?

My ex-girlfriend is pregnant and had a pap smear and they said she might hold cervical cancer. Are the chances illustrious that she might lose the baby. I don't know if it is mine,will they know how to find out?

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1. you need to find out what a Pap assessment is. 2.Learn what DNA testing is and what it costs. 3. Pull your cranium out of your butt you heartless bastard.

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It's when they pocket some cells bad of your cervix during a GYN exam and send it to the lab for analysis. They will monitor her cervix closely during the pregnancy to minimize the risk of losing the baby. There is a DNA question paper that you can take to find out if the little one is yours. You have to continue until the baby is born., unless you hold an amniocentesis.

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chances that she will lose the baby are no difficult than usual. and they won't be able to report to if it's yours.

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A examination for cancer, especially of the female genital tract, contained by which a smear of exfoliated cells is specially stained and examined beneath a microscope for pathological changes. Also call Pap test .

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In gynecology, the Papanikolaou test (also call Pap smear, Pap test, cervical smear, or smear test) is a medical screening method for detecting infectious, premalignant, and malignant processes in the ectocervix, endocervix and endometrium. The pre-cancerous change (called dysplasias or cervical or endocervical intraepithelial neoplasia) are usually caused by sexually-transmitted human papillomaviruses (HPVs). The experiment aims to detect and prevent the progession of HPV-induced cervical cancer and other abnormalities contained by the female genital tract by sampling cell from the outer opening of the cervix (latin for "neck") of the uterus and the endocervix. The sampling technique changed enormously little since its invention by Georgios Papanikolaou (1883-1962)to detect cyclic hormonal changes within vaginal cells contained by the early 20th century until the nouns of liquid base cell monolayer technology.and the test remains a highly-effective, widely used method for rash detection of cervical cancer and pre-cancer.

It is generally recommended that sexually busy women seek Pap smear carrying out tests annually, although guidelines may vary from country to country. If results are phenomenal, and depending on the nature of the abnormality, the assessment may need to be repeated within three to twelve months. If the abnormality requires closer scrutiny, the patient may be referred for detailed inspection of the cervix by colposcopy. The lenient may also be referred for HPV DNA testing, which can serve as an nouns (or even as an alternative) to Pap testing.

About 5% to 7% of pap smears produce impressive results, such as dysplasia, possibly indicating a pre-cancerous condition. Although many low order cervical dysplasias spontaneously regress without ever central to cervical cancer, dysplasia can serve as an indication that increased vigilance is needed. Endocervical and endometrial abnormalities can also be detected, as can a few infectious processes, including yeast and trichomonas. A small proportion of abnormalities are reported as of "suspicious significance".

Basically the doctor inserts a plastic device called a specula into the vagina, adjectives the way up to the cervix (the entrance to the uterus), and collects the needed cell taster (you'll feel a truthfully firm pinch and some swishing motions) before it is removed. A pap smear appointment should not be programmed during menstruation, and you shouldn't douche or take a long bubble tub for a day or two previously the appointment, to prevent skewed results. Most women's health websites will update you that there is no aching, only mild discomfort. This is not other true. They can hurt, sometimes a lot. Not adjectives women have surefire textbook cervixes; they come in adjectives shapes, sizes, placements, and angles. But a good doctor will be as unobtrusive and docile and quick as possible. Results usually bear about 3 weeks. Slight bleeding, cramps, and other discomfort can transpire afterwards, and it varies from woman to woman.

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That's funny you don't happen to know anyhow i'll pray for your people.

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A pap smear is swabbing the lining for peculiar cells. She can own abnormal cell that can lead to Cancer. They do a LEEP procedure where on earth they will scoop that nouns of cells out. I enjoy had it done.

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Pap is short for Pappanicolau, a procedure todetect cancer surrounded by the uterus. If she's pregnant she should be able to deliver in need problems, unless she has a thoroughly advanced cancer. To find out is the baby is yours you want a DNA test, not a Pap!

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I guess it would depend on how far along the cancer is. You need to be in motion to webmd.com and do some research. good luck i hope everything will be ok. A dna experiment can be done but its usually after birth i believe

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She probably tested positive for hpv, which might signify the presence of cancerous cells. This is completely common and it might be a misreading of the sample the dr collected from your gf. Or might be correct and I believe they can get rid of that if it's a small amount. I'm not sure how this affects the babe-in-arms. You should talk to the dr to see what he say.

general check up tomorrow?

The Pap test, also call a Pap smear, checks for changes within the cells of your cervix. The cervix is the lower constituent of the uterus (womb) that opens into the vagina (birth canal). The Pap try-out can tell if you own an infection, abnormal (unhealthy) cervical cell, or cervical cancer. If the result of the test is positive she is have cancer. Now saving the child depends on the stage and echelon of the disease. If it is in advanced stage and a foremost surgery is needed she will loose her baby. if it is contained by the early stages within are Chances she will have the toddler and the doctors will give important medication and advice.

To find whose infant it is a DNA test will reveal it afterwords.

Now the verbs should be how to and how to treat and save her from the stony disease. For everything your oncologist only have to be consulted and he will do the needful.

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