What is the best birth control pill suggested for weight gaining and acne free face?


For nursing moms.?

A few years ago the pill Ortho-Tricyclen was touted as the best for treating acne, but almost any brand will assist with acne. One that seem to be helping some women is Yasmin. If you are in Europe it is Dianette 35.

As for the issue with trying to gain weightiness I would recommend talking to the dr in the order of this to see if you might have a hormone discrepancy going on such as problems with the thyroid that could be playing in to this. Also, they can best comfort you figure out what characteristics of birth control pill to take if it is a risk-free option for you depending on your history.

I be prescribed to the "nuva ring" 3 months ago, was going fine, but immediately, im bleeding during sex?

I think most pills minister to with acne. As far a weightiness goes it varies- some folks maight gain weight or lose substance on the same brand. So check beside doctor / chemist and then see what is best for you by trialing one from the doctor, if it doesn't work, conveyance to another until you find one that is right for you. I have to try 2 different brands to get the right one for me.

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