Why does my penis get hard when I go to sleep?


ortho-tricyclin (sp)?

Because you are horny?

how pregnant woman can avoid nausea and vomiting?

Whether you know it or not the average male have atleast one erotic dream a night!!

what can one do to prevent getting thrombosis?

the sleep is divided into 2 parts
1. REM = speedy eye movement
2.NREM= non rapid eye movement.

most of the sleep is contained by the REM part, NREM is a small member. REM sleep is when u have dreams and this is the phase when ur a element of ur nervous system get active, which cause the erection. also during this phase ur muscles become relatively immobile." u may have dreams approaching ur falling but u r unable to move ur hand to protect urself!?".
this reason is also used to exam a man when he is stuck in rape covering and he says that he is impotent.

Is within any way you can brand name a period come before or later?

Because your blatter is full and you inevitability to go to the bathroom.

Why within some countries,CPR were not perform on a woman in employment?

U must have regular raining dreams!

whats the difference between bloating,water shipment gained,and fatigue?

may be cos u dream of sexual things how outmoded r u may be still in yr teens

Does amoxicilin own an effect on plan b?

You need a sexual partner close to that me. who do sex with you undamaged night. Than your penis obtain loss. so what is plan sweetheart......... so sad.....

When a guy "cums" contained by you can you actually discern it or tell when he does bust within you?

because you are a man, and that is what happen

Why do my breasts itch?

It's a self-regulating system to make sure everything is working

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