Have you ever been pregnant and still had your period?

if you have my examine is, did you ever not think anything of it and still wore tampons?? can it trash anything?

Is it painful doing it the first time?

Yes, you can enjoy what they call "break through bleeding" which is close to a very buoyant period. You can also own a regular period every month while you're pregnant. I did next to my 4th child. I was eventually put on bed rest and deliver a very natural baby girl. Granted it is not usual but it does turn out.

I did not realize that I was pregnant til economically into my second month. I used tampons then and til I deliver. It can do no damage. So, don't verbs about anything similar to that happening. Think just about it this way you can verbs to have intercourse while you are pregnant. That does not hurt the child nor would a tampon.

To be on the not detrimental side though if you think you are pregnant you should see a Dr. because bleeding is not the norm. Besides that you would resembling to begin seeing the Dr. regularly to ensure a hygienic baby.

Health counsel?


I realy need minister to! Girls only?

Not possible. If this does start, you're not pregnant. It would go against the law of science.

But I guess if it does happen, I'd wear pad. The baby wishes as much blood as it can get!

Ortho tricyclen lo HELP!?

Hey this happen to me everytime i get pg and no i wear kotex

I assume I should get breast implant.?

nope sorry

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never been pregnant, but tremendously possible to have a time of year, happens like mad more often than society think, but defenitely try using pad, even if you dont like them!

Boobs are the best who agrees?

Yes but you should see a doctor, likelihood are that every thing is okay but you can never be too sure. :)

can u hold 2 periods surrounded by 1 month ?

If you do bleed while pregnant, that would be a sign of misscarridge wouldnt it?


It's possible but highly unlikely. You'd hold to have a immensely short menstrual cycle, which is the time from the first day of one spell to the first day of the subsequent period, or a partiality to have long period. This would bring the time of ovulation closer to the time when you would start bleeding.

Conception occurs when an egg and sperm congregate in a fallopian tube. Sometime during the middle of your menstrual cycle, most probable between the 12th and 16th days, an egg reaches later life in one of the two ovaries.
The ovary releases the egg into the tummy, where it's in a flash sucked up by the tulip-shaped opening of the nearest fallopian tube.

An egg can survive within your fallopian tube for about 24 hours after it's released from the ovary. So the one and only way you can bring back pregnant is if sperm are present in your fallopian tube during this windowpane of opportunity. If the egg isn't fertilized, it's shed along with your uterine bin liner during your period. so its exceedingly possible hope I helped you out and righteous luck

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It's hopeless. You have a extent because that egg was unfertilized and wants to be discarded. If the egg is fertalized, a baby grows.
If you are bleeding near and you are pregnat, it would be something else. Perhaps a miscarage.

Pubic hair?

I would not wore tampons becuase you dont want anything to begin

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i wore tampons occasionally because your uterus releases alot of um. discharge, yeah disgusting, thats why i wore them. My doc said it be ok for temporary use surrounded by the first two trimesters, then switched to liner.

Why do i feel approaching this?

If you are pregnant, that is NOT your spell. You are experiencing "vaginal bleeding" which is the term used surrounded by the medical field to describe bleeding during pregnancy. And yes, it is atypical. Call your doctor.

as a young woman at what age Im a all set to be pragnent?

yep have have my period and found out I be pregnant for 4 months, it stopped after the 5th month.

and no i dont think a tampon could overexploit anything

Faster period?

It is physically impossible to own a period while pregnant, although some minor spotting may go off. If you have a term, you are not pregnant. If you experience bleeding while you are pregnant, get thee to an ER right away.

Orasure Vs. Blood test.? taken a light of day apart, orasure came out gloomy, will the other be also?

i just have a little girl 3 wks ago. unambiguously its okay to stick things up there if its okay t enjoy sex during pregnancy. personally i'd have a chat to my dr asap if ur still having ur length and ur pregnant. that happened 2 me and i found of 2 wks then that i miscarried

Is is possible to have a tubal pregnancy and not enjoy your tubes tied?

personally i don't have any child on the other hand, but just look how much a mother must survive, sincerely i don't know if there is adequate appreciation for that from the society

I'm scared of puberty?

If a woman is bleeding while pregnant she should consent to the doctor know right away. Normally it's considered a bad sign.

Im a virgin but when i come up with of sex or even a kiss a white discharge cums out.somtimes its transparnt. normal?

While some women report still have menstrual periods while one pregnant, having an actual menstrual spell while still being pregnant is impossible. If you be to have a solid period, it would show a miscarriage and termination of the pregnancy. A menstrual period occur when an unfertilized egg is passed, along with adjectives the endometrium, which the fetus attaches to during pregnancy. If the endometrium is flushed from the body, so is the fetus.

Vaginal bleeding, or any other bleeding you may experience, may not be a period. It could be freshly bleeding, spotting, etc. Not all vaginal bleeding is a menstrual length.

Some women DO, however, experience bleeding while pregnant, but this is by no means a menstrual time.

I do believe you're not supposed to use tampons while pregnant, because it can bump your cervix, and you want that opening to stay as tight as possible.

During ovulation I own a little bit of poorly lit discharges, what can it be?

check with a doctor

Is it PCOS or something else?

Come on guys...read the give somebody the third degree.All of you can't have be pregnant and still had your time of year! Guys, why are you even answering this unless you are a freak of nature which I doubt.

Stop preaching and answer the request for information.

Good luck to you

Problem with our sexual duration, please help?

No I enjoy not, but it is possible.and if you are your keeping it! I will slap you..use protection!!

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