Plz answerr!!?

i've had my term for about 5 years immediately and i get really discouraging cramps every time. today i had to exit school hasty and i threw up also. i'm starting to get tired of my cramps. should i budge to the gynecologist? and can i go similar to tomorrow during my period?

Answers:    Hi honey.Oftentimes some girls will enjoy terrible cramps while others breeze through their period.

You didn't mention if you flow heavy or lighting, or if there are clots within your blood or not. So, I'll try and address them all.

You can other see a GYN during your period or otherwise.

If you are bleeding desk light, your uterus is trying to "push" out the blood.especially if you have clots. If you are bleeding heavily (most of us do on our second-third morning especially), and have gelatinous dark clots, it method the blood is not flowing very efficient and it is staying too long in the uterus and clotting next your uterus has to push rugged to get them out.

Either route, stock up on ibuprofen (Motrin) over the counter.
Buy the generic. It will be next to the brand term Motrin.

Motrin used to be a prescription pain reliever. Now you can buy it over the counter. They come contained by 200 mg. tablets.

Motrin, like asprin, will see-through your blood naturally a bit. Motrin, resembling asprin, is an analgesic, which means it's medication will go directly to the aching. Tylenol is absolutely no obedient for this kind of strain.

They used to prescribe Motrin for a girl when I was immature and she had itchy cramps. Works wonders!!

So buy some Motrin.take 2 tablets, I don`t know 3. You may want to eat for a while something with them. Sometimes they produce an upset stomach in some folks.

You may find merely 2 tabs will stop the misery all year. Then again, you may want to repeat them in 4 hours. But really, that may be adjectives you need. They will do wonders for you!!

If not, see your GYN roughly it. Maybe there is something else out nearby that is used in our time.

Good luck
I am an RN
Have you asked your mom what you can do? Have you tried taking period meds? If your cramps are that severe, I would suggest going to the doctor. There are things they can do to put together them better! I used to have horrible cramps, and go on the pill. Worked amazingly, but it did take for a while time to work. With severe pain similar to that, it can also be a sign of endometriosis, which can be serious if left untreated. Give the gyno a phone and make an appointment. It's definately worth it. There is nought worse than being contained by agony once a month.
it's not going to be a for sure thing if you can acquire into seeing a gyno tomorrow but you should think of making an appointment...similar to not to sound unusual but do you have weighty periods. conceivably you should go on birth control to control your period better.maybe you should be taking something to help the pain..collaborate to your mom about it and conceivably she can make an appointment for you...

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