Could i be?

I had un protected sex while i be on my period could I be pregnant and how soon can i take checked to tell ? thank you and god bless .

Answers:    Ovulation usually occur around the middle of your cycle, so for example if you have a 28 daylight cycle ovulation occurs somewhere around the 14th hours of daylight. As the egg is only viable for 24 hours, sperm can live for up to 3 days once ejaculate. There have be cases of sperm living up to 10 days. This means that the best time to receive pregnant is 3 days before ovulation, and for 24 hours after. Even if you own a regular cycle, the day of ovulation can oscillate, and though rare, some women can ovulate more than once during a cycle. Generally nearby is no completely safe time that you can't procure pregnant. If this occurred in the last 5 days, you can get emergency contraception. Otherwise you will need to hang around and see if your next length comes. If your next time of year becomes at smallest two weeks late, your best bet is to see your doctor for a blood pregnancy experiment, as this is the most accurate way of carrying out tests.
if u av missed a period after ur ultimate 1 then it cud be possible that u r pregnant but the best piece to do wud b a test! It is unlikely you are pregnant. Not impossible, newly improbable. Really the earliest you could detect it (via HPT) is close to the due date of your next time. Easy for me to say, but try not to stress out over it, because the stress could deferment your next term.

good luck!

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