How to stop my spouse from snoring during sleep?


Period two months late and experiment is negative.?

Haha great ask and if I had the answer I would create "Anti-Spousal-Snore-Kit" and make millions. Hate to read out it but I suggest investing a few dozen pairs of sturdy earplugs. or a soundproof box to sleep in haha good luck!

Endomentrial biopsy?

put a stopper


keep her awake

have anyone be about 2 months and the blood audition still shows up negative?

just put cotton surrounded by your ears or in his mouth !

Is is possible to own a tubal pregnancy and not have your tubes tied?

stick a sock within her mouth or make them sleep within another room

Have you taken Hydroxycut? Did it work for you?

kill him it work for me !

Will my boobs get any bigger?

If your spouse is overweight, not plausible to stop. Sleep on side, raise headboard train of bed higher than foot or try breatheright strips.

Good luck!

I'm taking Premarin and Paxil?

i have no hypothesis.

Help please?

tell to take sea befor sleeping

Is all this hormonal behavior run of the mill?

have him/her roll over on their side if not supply her/him a kick or plug his/her antenna

Vaginal itching?

Well sleeping on the side helps+ a light allergic Nose spray (it keep the nose free) + non snoring breathe right stripes. it works i know it.

whats a polite weight for a 13 year weak girl 5'5?

Make him sleep on his side. If that doesn't work, make sure your husband is slanting too much. When he slants, his mouth open up which lets nouns in. It's adjectives about position and posture.

Do IUD's other work?

Sleep after Two Hours(Minimum) of Eating
Drink Water
Sleep straight (lying)
Eat less food at darkness time

Do not sleep immediately after - intercourse

Can a woman die while giving birth to a toddler ?

go ahead, "get some sleep"

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