I need to get read of my streatc marks?


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There is a product call "StriVectin-SD". It is an intensive concentrate for existing stretch marks. It is clinically proven to mute the appearance of existing stretch marks of their Length, depth, texture, and color. It does abet, I use it myself. You can purchase it at higher termination department stores or save a short time $$ and buy it over the internet.it is a bit expensive...but so very worth it.

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cocoa butter is said to help. you can also try some of the creams that you find at the drug store.

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You cant, you can only peroxide them.or get laser surgery to remove them.

Try Mederma, or shea butter cream.

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You can't get rid of stretch results. They are like a mutilation, and will fade with time, but will never step away completely... sorry!

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You can't "get rid of" stretch grades the best thing to do is try and prevent them.you can take home appearance less evident my keeping the skin moisturized and maybe using creams close to coco butter

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try palmers cocoa butter formula, i heard it help... my sis just bought one so im planning on stealing some to put on my butt.lol :)

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I heard maderma cream works

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You get rid of them by working out. Pull the skin stern to it's original shape. This will lend a hand alot. You can also have surgery, if you enjoy the money. They make creams, but I enjoy never found them to work well. I suggest Vitamin E oil help though.

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In order to return with read of your stretch marks, you will first determine what characteristics of stretch marks. if it is stretch grades cause by solidity loss you will need to use kid oil and exercise to tighten your muscles, and if it is wreak by pregnancy than you will have to catch a lazier treatment because you waited after your pregnancy

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