Do i need to see a doctor for this or is this normal and no need to worry?

ok i'm 16..still a virgin i'm waiting til marriage..but i own been have a lot of woman problems and i dont know why or what is cause it and i need some oblige..well i own very irregular period like i will own 2 to 3 periods a month later the next 2 months i wont own one and it just keep going on like that adjectives year and it has be doing this since 2005. Also when i do come on my periods are hugely heavy and bumpy i used overnighters and they are full within an hour to an hour contained by a half.i'm completely afraid to see a doctor because i'm a very private personality and i dont want anyone looking at me down there and besides i havent even told my mother because i know she will try to gross me go and i dont want to...In increase i started my period when i be 11 so i know it should have regulated by in a minute.Could u all please backing me

Can I start a new pack of birth control in the past my period starts?

You have need of to see you family DR and expect to bring a referal to an OB/GYN. Don't wait any could aggrevate to a condition where on earth you will be sterile. DON'T WAIT!!

I really need backing! Please! Serious Period Question!?

Ask your doctor " what is Polycystic ovarian syndrome". Don't worry what your mother think, your health is at risk. Here's some appropriate news, various do not ave a "regular cycle". That is not unusual. Write down the dates you gain your period. If they are large or painful etc. and all along the period or anything significant similar to 1 pad an hr etc. This approach, yuo can look over the whole picture of a yr. and see if at hand is any pattern.

What's your body mass index and do you cogitate you are overweight?

get to a doctor, asap, it may be nothing but a moment ago to be safe

How various abortions is too many? Before at hand is a risk of sterilty?

Go see the doc! Birth Control pills will help to regulate the cycles. Lose the modesty-the gynocologist's available job is to be knowledgeable around what's going on
'down there'. Your mom will want you to turn because she already knows it's the protected thing to do. She may be capable of stay with you-depending on the department's rules.

I need some moral ideas to pleasure myself?

Girl you inevitability to go to a OBGYN for your first check up!
It is a inborn part of individual a woman. Pick a lady GYN.
You involve to make sure everything is OK.
PS: Irregular period are common the first few years, but you could hold something else like endometriosis and you really necessitate a gyn exam.

PS: good career staying celibate until marriage. great choice. you won't regret it

Still pregnant after ectopic pregnancy?

Some women other have irregular period. The best thing you could do is step to the gyno. I know what it is like your first time going. I be horrified! But it is not as bad as you would presume. and they will probably put you on the pill. it is the best way to regulate period, and I believe that it helps next to flows. the gyno is something you will eventually have to do. and if you get hold of it over with immediately. you won't have to shift back for a while.

Will be alike feelings when I approachable them to a guy?

Missing periods is fine. Irregular length period every month is odd.
Most women progress through irregular periods and it's usually nil.
Since you are young, I assume it's really nought to worry roughly speaking.
You're doctor can put you on birth control, but make sure you see a doctor for this. Isn't it worth to hold shorter, less prickly, and predictable menstrual cycles?

The rumors about hurting pap smears are a fallacy, they're painless.

For a woman who have gone through puebrty, what would happen if she be given extra hormones?

I think you should see a doctor:)

Have you ever watch a guy play with his penis?

I'd recommend going to a doctor. It can't hurt to do so. And it would be better to hand over up a little privacy than consent to a potential problem get worse.

Until what age does a feminine keep on growing taller?

Go see your doc. U never know it might be zilch or something. if u go you can put your mind at smoothness.

Is amoxicillin good for UTI's?

first stale your still young so your period should be irregular. maybe not as irregular as you explained so i really chew over you should suck it up and see your doc. my friend had extent problems and it turned out to be cysts on her ovaries so honestly even if your a private person you should be checked out. dont verbs your doc will be very professional going on for it and she probably has see many other infantile woman with alike problems. and by the way you should be see by a doc by the age of 18 even if you aren't having sex this is your strength and possibly life your discussion about. i hope things work out for you!!

Hypothetical: Do you believe that it's okay for a pregnant mother to abort an unborn little one who tests positive

You are playing next to fire. You could get burned. If you are bleeding heavily and own pain, clearly something is not correct. You are not making it better and it could be getting worse. Why haven't you spoken to your mother or feminine adult responsible for you? You do not want to hang about until it is too late to sort a correction. It could be something very simple that must be corrected very soon. Do not wait. Seek give support to. I am very private too. You only just have to consent to them know your privacy issues when you make the appointment and find someone who is likely to work with you as much as they can. Not adjectives doctors are pig-heads, some are very nice associates and are really able to backing. I am praying for your answer.

can a yeast infection go away on its own?

(I am assuming this is a material problem)
many women enjoy conditions similar to yours. only swing in degree. In order to stay fit , you need to enjoy a much open( I don't mean loose) attitude towards seeing physicians. Get referral from reputable practitioners and there are plenty of feminine OBGYNs who provide wonderful care for women.

Girls singular please?

u really need to see a doctor because even if its not a syndrome they usually manufacture you take birth control pills to regulate your extent.dont be scared to see the doctor.itz not approaching there gunu do something bleak..

How long will it take me to enjoy a period after person on depo for 8 years?

Firstly, I applaud you for your choice!! I understand you one a private am I. but, I for one quality that you need to see a doctor purely to be on the safe side. You never know what could be the motivation. There may be a cyst, a tumor or nothing at adjectives but to be on the safe should catch it checked out. Sometimes they put you on a low dose birth control that will at least regulate you. Wouldn't that be better than what you are going through very soon? It usually lessens the flow also. As far as exposing yourself.suggest nothing of it. Things close to that used to bother me also but it is just member of their everyday routine, when it comes to your health and powerfully being things close to that are trivial. Talk to your mom, you may find out how understanding she can be. I hold a daughter who would go to friends or my sister since counseling with me and I guess I be the same but I surmise you should just blurt it out to your mom. Best wishes and Good luck!

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