I didn't get my period this month what could be wrong and I'm not pregant?

I didn't seem to carry my period at adjectives this month...And I've been on the pill for almost 1 year very soon ever since I had my daughter ultimate September...And I never missed one of them..There's no way I could be pregant, because I get one in the beinging of July and I moved out to go to my sister's within Florida with my daughter...My husband have to stay here to work..I was gone for 3 weeks and come back on the 1st of Aug..I'm really concerned give or take a few this can someone please help me..Thanks

Which breast fortification pills are the best?

Stress causes it bleak. And it sounds like you might own been lower than some if you went on a trip. Also a great deal of exercise and climate change.

Anyone on the contraception pill Yasmin? Have you have any positive or negative side effects?

Best bet would be to check near your doctor. He/She can give you more info on what's going on inwardly your body. Stress or pain relievers can also postpone your term.

Oh crap what happened?

Don't freak out. You could lately be having a unpaid period this time.

my gf asks more satisfied when she is on her period than the time she is stale why is this i asked her, she said idk

Are you eating properly?

Vagital Bumps?

dont verbs you could be under stress and it is majority to miss one once in a while if it keep going on see your doctor some times the pill can do that to you

When do you get a gyno exam approaching what age cause i am terrified to gett one i dont kno anythin about them?

It could be stress or your diet that happen to me when I'm really stressed just chill and it will come.

Why do girls cry when they vomit?

sometimes when you are on the pill you may skip a spell or have one for a light of day or two but...you could be as far along as 12 weeks and not have a time of year and not know you are pregnant

Hurts to sit with tampon?

It happen to every one. May be try a diffrent birth control pill. Ask a doctor there could be a posssibility that you might be pregnant but I doubt it!

Has the depo shot ever made you gain immensity?

just b-cuz your on the pill doesnt mean that u CANNOT become preg. and sometimes u miss u'r time and ummm if u DID have sex after yeqa u could be preg.

What is this feeling? Please sustain?

Many things could be the cause.don't freak out. It can be sudden weightiness gain or weight loss, a variation in your diet, or even lately a change contained by your hormones. It has happen to me a couple of times and it was zilch.they put me on a stronger pill once, and the other time I had be through a change contained by eating behaviour doing Atkins which *really* messed up my period. If you are freaked out, the markedly best thing that you can do is jump see your doctor. If anything, they will help assuage your mind.

If some one can not ejaculate his wife upto 1 year due to Prem.Eja. Does it affects womens health.?

a number of factor could cause that ive gone almost 2 months w/out mine here are some reason my doctor said could be wrong: stress, hormones, thyroid issues, change within medications, or you are only thinking about it bearing too much. whatever it is i would walk see a doctor soon because not having your extent for 2 months is bad if you are not pregnant

Isn't lesbianism of late a way for ugly/fat chicks to get hold of sex?

Consult your doctor for proper advise and if required, medical nouns.

Doctor's office?

Stress can take home it so you don't get your monthly along near diet, illness, closely of things can throw the body out of whack and cause this to develop. Stress is what did it to me also if you are in your 30's you may be perimenapausal it's other best to get check by a doctor though.

Pink Urine?

then move about to the docs and get checked.

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