Hey just for the girlies plz .. bois too but myt not be much help .. ok when?

ok when do yu girls get your extent pains like how tons days before or do you return with it during your period i purely wondered if i could use them to help me see when im coming on as im alien to this and very iiregular appreciation for reading please answer mum dont kno she dont have period anymore x x x

Pain in upper right abdomen and ovarian distress?

It varies hun..every body is different and it tend to change every few years. When I started my term at 13 I thought I was have intestinal cramps.boy was I surprised when shopping at Binns Dept Store that I have finally started my period. Now at 39, I gain some intestinal symptoms first, the same hormone that cause your uterus to contract causes your intestines to contract..I don't usually return with intense menstral cramps which is def different than the intestinal cramps until later the first light of day or the second day. My daughter started right after she turned 10 and have no cramps what so ever until she was 13..later omg did she have fruitless cramps, but only for a year or two. Its best if you use a calendar and mark your symptoms so that you can see the cut-out that developes that is peerless to you after a few months, then you will know how to recongize what symptoms you have beforehand your period. You will also minute how long your cycle is 28 days is average not mandatory. The only piece that does not change is that 14 days after you release an egg your spell will start.

Breast size?

i start to get cramps liike, a dday beforehand it starts, and then usually throughout the first 3 days

A cross-question regarding menstrual cramps?

i start to carry cramps the day of my time of year , thats how i know its coming,

Irregular Period?

Everyone is different. However, I have found that my breasts find sore 5-7 days before I start, and I will go and get crampy usually within a light of day or two of starting. Your cycle may regulate itself as you age. You also might want to talk to your mom just about birth control pills. They also help to put you on a regular cycle.

How can one drop off her bust size? Is there an picking other than surgery & medicine?

go on
it is the best website for advice for period

My girlfriend wants me to pee on her. Is that regular ?

PMS symptoms can happen up two 2 weeks since the onset of your interval. The symptoms can be from mild to severe. Breast tenderness, moodiness, cramps or lower tummy discomfort, even headaches or lower rear pain.

I've hear that asian women's vagina's are sideways what does that mean?

ok i am really new to this myself when my comes i dont really acquire cramps or anything i just break out on my obverse in pimples.sometimes by spinal column hurts a little bit.

Can a woman carry pregnant right after her period? And how lots months will the baby stay within her womb?

Usually three days before that's when I start taking ibproufin. Your mom would be the one to ask though, she did bleed at one time or another.

i hold stopped even accessing this quest coz it distracted me 2 much .relay me truly,wood it help?

i carry them like 1week, 2weeks, since it happens. sometimes i dont even enjoy cramps. all u enjoy to do is wear a apntyliner everyday and keep some tampons/pads handy so if it comes, you'll be prepared! well brought-up luck!

SHOULD I GO TO THE E.R? any suggestions of what this might be?

Mine starts on the first day my spell starts. =[ so i can tell. and only just count the days to see when ur period starts. resembling it should be somwehre in between 21-28 days. anytime within between there. yup. and also..u can report when ur period may start coming cuz u may start have alot of discharge. for me..i will have discharge adjectives the time without my length but when my period is gonna come within a few days my discharge stops. but thats not normal for other women. but yeah.

hope i help. =]

Pretty embarassing question?

I used to find them a few days before foot - it sucked because I had cramps for close to a week - and then when I be around 25 or so, I started getting them sometimes during the day of (for some point, my period other starts late at darkness - (go figure))

Whats wrong with my term?

My cramps start the day my extent starts so I have no requirement. I do however keep close track of my cycle so I own a good hypothesis when it will start. It's different for every women though and normal to hold cramps before, during and sometimes for a few days after because your cervix is closing and that may cause cramping. You could ask a gynecologist which you should be seeing immediately if you're menstruating. Good luck!

just girls do u wear you seatbelt if u dont y dont you?

i usually dont get cramps until more or less a day or partially a day AFTER i start bleeding.

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