Why is my hair falling out?

My hair be falling out by the handfulls befor I became pregnant. I be horrible about taking my prenatal vitamins during pregnancy but my quill stopped falling out all together. Now that my baby is 3 1/2 months feeble my hir is again falling out by the handfulls. What's the deal here?

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Your fuzz skips the shedding phase during pregnancy which is why pregnant women always own great hair. But typically around three months post partum in attendance is a shift in your hormone level that causes down loss. It is just a hormonal phase that will eventually correct itself. Your body has be through a lot and is still going through deeply. Give it some time to adjust and if you are really concerned ask your doctor about it.

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All I can say is that most average humans lose 40-100+ hair a day. It's not a big do business unless you want to be more specific as to what a "handful" means.

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You obligation to go to your doctor and find checked out. It's probally either thyroid or stress. And yes stress will grounds your hair to fall over out.

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Stress. Sometimes your fleece falls out exactly 3 months after a very stressful event. be you in giant stress around 3 months before the times your mane fell out? That could be it.

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I once have a friend who began losing her mane in life-size quantities.
She saw her doctor, and the doctor said that she have to switch birth control pills, because the ones she was taking be not strong enough.
I utter, it could be you're wacky post-partum hormones.
See a doctor, and find out.
Good luck

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Hair loss is a adjectives problem But u can prevent this By following
The essential oils suitable for treating alopecia include ylang ylang, roman chamomile, rosemary, lemon, lavender, grapefruit, and sound. Try this blend of oils:

* 3 drops of lavender
* 3 drops of rosemary
* 2 drops of thyme
* 2 drops of Atlas cedar wood

You can't put essential oil directly onto the skin or scalp, they have to be mixed surrounded by a carrier grease. Use a half a teaspoon of jojoba grease and 4 teaspoons of grapeseed oil. Mix them adjectives together and rub this mixture into your scalp for at least two minutes. Use a thaw towel to wrap your head surrounded by afterwards. Not only does it perceive relaxing, but it helps the oil absorb.

If you own thinning hair, likelihood are you need to address a nutritional inconsistency. Increase these nutrients in your diet:

* Flaxseed - As ably as providing support to all the cell in your body, flaxseed is rich within alpha linolenic acid, which is one of the Omega 3 fatty acids. This make hair shine, and its also great for treating dandruff.

* Pumpkin seed, oysters, and nuts - These are great food sources of zinc. Zinc is needed for strong hair and run of the mill hair growth. It have the added benefit of being great for your brain and concentration.

* Cucumber and oats - These foods are fantastic sources of silica. Silica is impressive for hair strength, and is used when hair splits confidently, or starts to thin. Silica is also great for skin condition - it's a real charm mineral. If you don't want to eat a bowl of porridge surrounded by the morning, you can get silica supplements. Get the gel form as it is engaged much more easily than the herbal variety like horsetail.

* Edible Seaweed, parsley, tofu, sesame seed, sunflower seeds - Iron is critical in quill health, and these foods are rich surrounded by it. An iron deficiency cause hair loss. But if you're thinking of taking an iron supplement, receive your iron levels tested by your doctor first as iron is a grease soluble vitamin which means that it is stored contained by your body. This can lead to a toxic build up if too much iron is taken contained by.

* Eggs, fish and chicken - Hair is made of protein. So, if you're deficient contained by protein, your hair condition may be affected. These are biddable, healthy sources of protein.

* Brown rice, nuts and seed - These are rich in the B vitamins. As okay as being great for stress, the B vitamins strengthen the hackle shaft. If you're going to take a B vitamin supplement, find a B complex rather than individual B vitamins as taking too much of one B vitamin can mete out an imbalance contained by the rest of the group. The B vitamins work together synergistically.

* Leafy greens - Leafy greens, as well as have lots of other vitamins, are rich in folic acid. Folic sour is a type of B vitamin.
So try out this .

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mine is too although I dunno why. I take a thyroid medication that have a side effect of hair loss and Im other stressed out. I try to relax but sometimes its hard.

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