Can a nurse do this?

Ok Im 15 and i went to the doctors roughly a week ago and she tested me for std's and I told her I wasnt a virgin and my parents dont know cuz she asked and she said this was confidital. The doctor called me today and said my audition were well-mannered but she is gonnna report me to the CPS and the cops are gonna come to my house and tell my parents Im not a virgin. Im 15 and the guy is 20. Me and him are going to recount my mom tommaorw and I know she is not going to press charges. But can they still put him in jail? And I thought the doctor said it be confidental?

About my body?

It should be confidential unless a law is broken. It also, if they want to prosecute, because of your age, depend if they want to get him for statuary rape or child molestation (which would after make him a sex offender).At lot of it depends on the state law.

Are girls still considered virgins if they masturbate?

that's weird. sue the b* =)

Wat's the most embarrasing entity to happen to u at a doctors organization?

check if there is a decriminalized services in your nouns and give them a phone

Pregnancy or symptoms of stopping medication s?

i think they can single put him in sentence to prison if your parents what him to go to detention centre, and i think you might enjoy to be 16 for it to be totally confidential becasue hes so much older its against the law, they probably think they are protecting you, im not sure though, i have a sneaking suspicion that they still should not be able to send for your parents.

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It depends on what the age of consent is in your state. If you are not of that age, afterwards your adult boyfriend's potentially within a lot of trouble. I feel the nurse could actually lose her license if she did not report you.

Thoughts of disappoint?

omg, what state r u in? i no first foot that they cant do that in Fl

Why does my tummy rummble?

Dear, inopportunely, yes they can tell your mother. You are beneath 17. I don't think you hold anything to worry going on for with the put in prison issue. If you or your mom doesn't press charges than I think things would be okay. Ahhh, of late the beginning of worrisome growing up lessons of wonderful life. Good luck, and remember, times resembling these pass.

First Gyno stop by. What to expect?

Quick tell your mom up to that time they do it will be alot easier and maybe your mom will be more kind but I really don't think that they are allowed to utter anything what happened to doctor long-suffering confidentiality?

I think I'm overweight?

Oh, the peril of youth. You are too young (under 18) to properly consent to anything. You can't sign a contract. You can't vote. The law, contained by its wisdom also say that someone under 18 cannot consent to have sexual relations with someone over 18. In this grip, your 20 year old bf is committing statutory rape when he is near you. As you and your parents do not have the right to consent to your have sex with him, the prosecution can verbs even if your parents say yes. He, by the style, knows that. You are, for reasonably good intention, referred to as jail bait.

As your parents are responsible for you, and you are currently anyone raped, they can be held legally liable for it. Your bf can pause up in detention centre as a sex offender. That basicall mechanism that if an when he gets out, he have to register as a sex offender everywhere he goes for the rest of his energy. He also has to notify the neighbors back he moves into a neighborhood. If they decline, he can't go here.

There is the confidentiality issue. You can claim that it is supposed to be confidential information, but your parents are still responsible for your well mortal, and are entitled to the information. Your doctor is also in a bind, because statutory rape is a mandatory report offense.

I know that the older boys look so fine, and they know how to please you rather well, but you really are better bad dealing with boys your own age.

Anyone be diagnosed with PMDD?

Because you are a minor and he is an grown, I believe she can tell Child Protective Services, contained by fact I believe they are obligated to do so. It is statuatory rape for someone that elderly to have sex next to someone as young as yourself.

As a parent I agree next to this, and when you get elder you will understand this a bit better. I be fifteen once too, and right now you perceive grown up and that you know what is best for you, but you have a long means of access to go.

You will be wretched, upset and angry for awhile, but it will pass. Just slow down and relish being infantile and a kid for awhile longer..being an fully fledged and taking on the responsibilities of one is not what you think it is.

I'm sorry that this kindly of thing have to happen to you (not the nurse/doctor, but the 20 year feeble taking advantage of you). It will adjectives be okay though, trust your parents and the medical team that be there to look out for you.

Bigger boobs?

Check the tenet in your state. I hold the law on every state on this. In most states the age of concension is 16. If so, after he broke the law by not waiting until your 16th birthday and they can put him in top-security prison.

Although if you get a dutiful lawyer you may know how to sue the medical place for a lot of money. Also you permit him break the law so he could dance to prison by not telling him to hang around.

Slight pain within pelvic area?

they cannot justifiably do that. I'd call them subsidise and tell them that if they follow through beside that threat, you'll be suing them for invasion of privacy

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