Late period?

If a woman's period comes a sunshine or two late does that neccessarily have it in mind that she is pregnant? Her and I had sex after her ovulation extent and before her term, unfortunately we used the withdrawl method short birth control. Help please!


Always hot?

Believe it or not. I'm actually surrounded by the same situation right very soon. I usually have PMS 8 days back my menstrual cycle and today is the 21st cycle day and I usually start my period on the 23rd daytime. The thing is, my boobs should enjoy been really sore, but I discern normal. I hold been really stressed out inauguration of this month of August and I had sex beside my husband (without a condom) after my ovulation and noticed that I don't enjoy my usual PMS symptoms such as sore boobs. Anyways, your g/f or wife might be in greatly of stress. That's common for her time to come late similar to a day or two close to you mentioned. You shouldn't worry more or less it too much. There's no way she could be pregnant if you're wondering. Especially when you guys have sex after her ovulation.

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brilliant! no protection at all!! hope you cram your lesson genius

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You know what they name people who use the deduction method of birth control? Parents!

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withdrawl method fail in 90% if you enjoy sex this way for a year,
and it is coz formerly you have ejaculation near is something like pre-ejaculation, what method that drop of your sperm apears on the top of your penis, can happen even twice past you actual ejaculate, your woman can notice it while she masturbates you or get something done oral sex on you, or when you masturbate yourself.

but one day behind time period does not necessery be going to that the woman is pregnant, one week is the problem, but if you are not sure you can buy test for approaching 5-6 pounds in drug store, it will murder your worries,

and i can advice you to switch on the pills, i dont know any problems when it comes to have children afterwards, a friend of mine got impregnate two weeks after she droped pills :D we call her superfertile ever since :D

and kids of family who used pills are healthy too so no worries, quality free,

a friend of mine had problems beside period resembling two weeks after driping pills but after doc gave her few hormonal pills she come back to norm,

anyway pill is hormonal item :) its safe :)
and lowers risk of cancer for woman :) not adjectives types of cancers but some

hope you gonna be resourcefully,

in adjectives if you think that she get impregnated and you would not use pill you could other use "night after" pill.

well-mannered luck

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no..a period cna be delayed by a day or two for several reasons (stress, chemocal lack of correspondence, etc). Can anyone say they enjoy had their extent exactly the same afternoon since they started? NO! Dont worry if she did enjoy it, she is not pregnant.


I tell my patients to dally until they are two weeks late formerly going to the doctor. Have her take a home pregnancy check. And for petes sake get her on the pill and you use a condom if you don't want kids.

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She could be under alot of stress, or possibly pregnant. Go catch a pregnancy test at the drug store.

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Only madness after a week - more importantly BUY SOME CONDOMS!!

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