Is there something I can do to decrease my period cramping other than birth control pill?

Im 21 and I've been on birth control for 6 years. I can`t bear taking it but I know if I go rotten of it then my HORRIBLE cramps and backache and all that jazz is gonna come backbone. I've tried it before. If I shift to the gyno is there anything they can do close to a procedure or anything to make my cramps turn away? I can't stand them!

when was ur first time doing it?

I enjoy the same problem and I truly went sour birth control pills and went on another form of birth control and my period came put a bet on. I had horrible cramps and taking headache killers don't lend a hand whatsoever nor did the heat pack relieve. I would wake up at 3am contained by pain crying. I truly don't know if there is procedure a doctor can do to trim down pain killer you might want to talk to your gynecologist something like if there is a procedure available, which I kidn of doubt.. They might enjoy something you can take to muffle the pain. Personally I of late went on the Mirena IUD hoping that it would backing me. Good Luck.

Need help!!?

stop taking the pill and put a grill pack on it when it hurts.

When I am menstrating, I have severe pains in my lower departed side, what could be causing this,?

yes.when you know you're going to go and get your period.approaching the night earlier take ibuprofen..and afterwards take it again when you capture it..good luck

I've never have my period until that time!?

Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) works wonders on cramps. I just yearning it had be invented years ago when I really needed it. You can take them every six hours for a few days unless you enjoy an allergy, have bleeding problems, stomach ulcer, or take any blood thinners.

Problem W/Period?

I used to make available my GF light squeeze to the abdomen nouns to ease them.

I have a c-section 10 months ago and i havent had a term -no i am not pregnant ! why are my periods not here?

Take painkillers.


Watch what you devour. Avoid all second-hand goods foods especially sugar and eat automatic Diuretics like cantalope to keep hold of you peeing and to avoid water retension. Believe it or not excersize really help so try to walk them sour.

Should i be having pains?

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