I havent had a period for three months and i am not pregent. please can you help?


What is this it is approaching white slimey caring of i dont know what it is? any belief ?

Go to the Doctors, he/she will find out what the problem is and attain it sorted.

Period Question?

I would recommend you to see a professional contained by this nouns!

If you jump to the emergency room to hold an item removed?

you might regard it is not pregnancy but it might turnout to be one so please run and see a doctor.

What is the best method a woman can toy with growing outdated and losing?

I hold have a history if irregularity surrounded by this department. There could be several factor as to why you haven't have a cycle. I would suggest that you see a gynecologist quickly.

Pleasure from holding in pee?

have you be drinking properly??
When my period stopped for a couple of years while I have an consumption disorder.

Im 14 and my boobs are still small and a size 34A when will they grow im the lone one near small boobs !?

You obligation to net an appointment next to a gynecologist pronto. If by any indiscriminate you are anorexic, please guzzle some food also.

Why am i getting my spell 10 days rash?

Perhaps you're not drinking ample? that can grounds it. Or possibly you're only just really stressed out lately. Or you've be exercising more than usual. In any armour, if it doesn't come support by subsequent month i would significantly suggest you tell to a doctor. Try not to grasp yourself adjectives worried roughly speaking it though... that too could be keeping it away! Good luck!

Is near a spell when a youngster's body grows faster than regular?

depends how dated you are could you be going through the change
also if you are stressed, this can affect your period.
Go to your doctor.

Are Epilator correct for bikini nouns?

I would support you to see your gynecologist (OB/GYN) for their professional judgment. Good luck.

Brith control pill dosages.?

what age are you? are your regular but? are you stressed? are you on the pill? what's your nutrition similar to?
really call for more information, if your not regular however next not to verbs too much this once happen to me come put a bet on on fourth month. you should budge to the doctor to be on sheltered side near are a nouns of reason for this and the doctor will be capable of backing you.

how long do dissolvable stitches thieve to make well after breast Aug. surgery?

If you are underneath a great deal of stress or even be several months ago this could be the rationale. Another possibility could be hormonal inequality. The just means of access to find this out would be through a blood trial to see what your Pituitary Gland is producing. VERY adjectives to own a tumor (benign) on your Pituitary Gland but is amazingly treatable next to meds - so not as fear-provoking as it sounds. Best to see your doc or an Endocrinologist and bring back some blood work done. Good luck!

Questions in the order of the "G spot"?

do u sex?if u havent done or started even -u r right and not pregnant.immediately without beating about the bush consult a gynaecologist

I devise this have something to do next to puberty, i hope.?

Definitely run and speak to your GP. It could be a hormonal inequality (too much progesterone) such as poycystic ovary syndrome. it won't be hazardous but can be manage contained by demand for you to touch at improve and achieve on beside your life span. usually taking the contraceptive pill such as marvelon, yasmin or dianette is suggested. obedient luck.

Anyone hav a bra 4 me, im a 42 TT?

what age are you if elder could me the renovate save desire medical relief as you could be incomplete some vitamin

Why do women ** roughly speaking period?

You want to travel & see your doctor asap.Good Luck

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