I am 46 and using pills to diet as I am not good at stopping myself eating I have no self control?


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It sounds like you might struggle with compulsive eating. Firstly, the diet pills can be very dangerous, especially if they contain ephedra (contributes to cardiac problems), so please be careful! I would urge you to find support for yourself. There are therapists who specialize in eating and body image issues (see below link), as well as support groups for women who struggle with compulsive eating. Because it's probably not about the food (more likely you are upset, sad, lonely, etc and are trying to suppressive these feeling with the food/pills), it would be great for you to find the support of a good therapist. You deserve better than this! Good luck to you.

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gastric bypass surgery will do the trick, then go see a plastic surgeon to remove all the excess skin and flab - it worked for my best friend

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PIlls are ALL a scam. They don't work. It is just a crutch for you to lean on. If yoyu admit to NOT having any will power, than you need the support of others! Try Weight Watcher's or the like. THey will help you set REALISTIC and HEALTHY weight loss goals and you will get the support of a network of people who are ALL going through what you are going through, and that is more powerful than any pill!!

This is kind of embarrasing,but I have to get an answer.?


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Stop wasting your money. If a diet pill would make you lose weight, there would be no overweight/obese people around in the USA. You might need group help, like Weight Watchers, to help you control your habits. Or maybe, if you're morbidly obese, bariatric surgery. I had it and I'm very happy with the results. I still get the cravings but I just cant' eat all of that food physically anymore. Lost 110# in a year.

I really need to know if you can have a normal period and still be pregnant?

If they work for you, could you please email me the name of them so that I can try them to please, I am 30, 6 foot 2 and 20 stone

thanks Craig xxxxxx

[email protected]

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Thats not a question

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The pills won't really help you with that. Although I am not quite sure what you are asking I would suggest joining something like weight watchers if you are trying to loose weight. You must also exercise there is no miracle pill that will make you skinny.

Sport Physical?

Try and hypnotherapist to curb your appetite - the pills can't be that good for you. And get yourself in the gym. If you exercise regularly, you should be able to eat more or less what you like. Good luck.

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Assuming that you've been to your doctor. Perhaps it's eating that's the problem but what you are eating? I understand that some foods are real hard to rewsist, personally, I've never met a French frie that I didn't like but there is a place for fries. Try looking at different ways of eating rather than using pills. My experience with them is feeling jittery and being bitchy. There are so many diets out there that don't feel like a diet if it's the right one for you. Carbs are my downfall but I love breakfast, so Atkins works for me. Eggs and sausage for breakfast is a pretty good thing. I dream about the grits! Good luck with getting yourself on track!
p.s. my mom did the gastric syrgery and found it difficult to deal with the rules afterwards. If you're already out of control, I'm not sure that would be best for you.

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weight watchers or some other group to support you. eating can be an addiction. what i do is only buy heathy foods at the grocery store so there is no crap in the house.

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How overweight do you feel you are? Have you consulted a physician on this? Are you eating out of boredom, depression? Get all of the BAD & FATTY foods out of your pantries and fridge. Replace them with healthy items, fruit, FRESH vegetables, lean meats, Crystal Light. You can eat 3 meals a day and snack at least twice a day, as long as you do it in a healthy manner. Diet pills over the counter are not always safe, Especially for women over 40. You need to consult your docotr on this. Also there are multi-vitamins which have an appetite suppressant in them as well. YOU CAN CONTROL your over eating, BUT you have to WANT too. Also make sure that you have no underlying thyroid conditions, and make yourself either get out and walk or go to a gym. There are alternatives to eating.chew gum(sugar free), excercise, I have been there, and I am actually there again, BUT I have a doctor monitoring my weight, and prescription diet suppressants, because I am a thyroid patient, and I cannot wear the extra 30 pounds that creaped up over two years ago.

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Sorry to hear what you are going through, fortunetly i have not had that problem, but i feel for you. But i don't think diet pills are the answer. For me i only eat whem i'm hungry and that is the way i have always done it. The only other way i can think of is gastric bypass surgery
What ever you do i wish you luck.

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Its not just about selfcontrol,u need 2 ask yourself what do u want,is it to better to b or stay ugly and fat or be what u want.What is that u want

How? HOw? hOW?

I'm 35 and I have managed to lose 9kilos and kept it off for almost a year now. I'm using a meal replacement that makes me full via protein, so I don't feel the need to snack. However I can happily have my usual dinner so I don't deprive myself.

However I feel you need to have a motivation since the first few days are tough. I was hungry, but I reminded myself why I wanted to lose weight. I had a test done and my visceral fat level was high. (That's the fats near/around your organs, it's like choking).

I used to have breakfast, coffee in the office, lunch, tea in the afternoon, dinner, and even sometimes supper. Now I have 3 meals, no snacks except a tea with no cakes every now and then. Initially I used to take some herbal pills so I could lose weight faster, and green tea.

You would lose fats faster and be healthier still if you could include an exercise regimen. I personally just do some yoga on weekdays (I sleep late on weekends, so am extra lazy).

Exercising will increase your metabolic rate and help you burn fats, although you might not see it on a weighing scale since as muscles build up but fats disappear you might weigh a little bit more. Use a measuring tape instead.

It can be done, even for people who really enjoy eating. I did it, so can you :)

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its easy for any one to say to a person your eating over the norm and bloody annoying to the person concerned, but you say your 46 but you don't say your weight. this is the thing that will give you self control if you are very much over weight just remember you are making your heart work faster and needless to say closer to a heart problem than if you were to slim down and taking diet tabs is not the answer so think every-time you want to eat excessively the answer is NO!NO!

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Hi have you tried weight watchers, i have no self control but i joined waut watchers as the last restort to loosing weight and believe it or not i was eating more than i was before and as you have to eat to loose the wait i was amazed how it works. All you do is stick to your point and i you will loose up to 2lb a week, it doesnt sound much but it can guarantee it will come off and you will notice as soon you have lost a few pounds. I lost 1 stone in 3 months. There is a charge for going to the meeting to be weighed and you have to go to a weigh in each week and its £5 at time and when you reach your goal you will get a free membership and then you dont have to pay, sometimes there is a joining fee, but in some newspapers you can get a coupon with free membership, if not try getting one of f weight watchers website. I know £5 may seem a lot but i bet the diet pills are quite expensive any way and you wont loose weight faster than you do at weight watchers, even when you take the pills. If you do go onto the website check out where the meetingsin are in your area go along to one. Its fun and you get loads of support from the people who go to the meeting, as i am a shy person i was nervous about going but i was pleased i went and that i lost the weight. I hope you go to weight watchers as it will solve the deit problem and its a fun diet to stick to and it actually works.

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Nutritionist, now. And then a psychiatrist, to try to find out why chocolate is your friend.
Ever heard of anyone getting fat on salad? There are delicious foods you can eat all damn day, like a starving horse, and you won't put on weight. Determine the underlying cause of your unhappiness, and deal with it.

Good luck!

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I tried 100% Hoodia and..
Hoodia has worked for me.and with no side effects.
Check with your doctor before starting any weight loss program.

For all you doubters, here is the prior feedback for another Answers user who followed my advice:

Asker's Rating: **
very good comment I lost 2 lbs in a week
I think I can almost get in my leather dress, I can hit the town in no time


#1. Be sure you are buying pure Hoodia.look for the import certificate on the website. No matter the price, if they do not display this, you really do NOT know what you are getting!

#2. Be sure it is 100% Hoodia & not mixed w/other herbs, etc.!!

#3. Keep in mind it stops your hunger pangs…you MUST remember to break your habit to always eat at certain times.

#4. Drink a full 8oz. glass of water with it!

Hoodia (HOOD-ee-uh) gordonii - A genus of 10 to 20 species from southwestern Africa.
Hoodia gordonii is the stoneage wonder plant found throughout the dry arid regions of the South western African continent now on the verge of making history in the fight against obesity. It is a genus belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family which consists of approximately 20 species. Used to stop hunger, quench thirst, and provide energy among other things since prehistoric times, Hoodia gordonii was first discovered by the San tribesmen and women to get through the most difficult of times.

You can read a good article about how it works at:


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