How do girls in gymastics have such big arm muscles?

Might sound similar to a funny question to ask but i thought girls didn't enjoy the ability to go and get that big due to not having as much testosterone contained by their bodies?

I am not sure what to do? is this a good concept?


Do your cycle change or be in motion back to average after a miscarriage?

and cameltoes..

Skin Problem?

They have to use their arm mussels more than most girls. To do flips and cartwheels. They probably own mussels like men, i know that I do, i abhorrence it!

Birth control and irregular bleeding?Help!?

Cos theyre working out all afternoon long, most days! I was a gymnast and still hold a very broad hindmost to this day and strong shoulders and arms and looking pay for, I probably spent the majority of my teens upside down!!
. .

Women only?

OK. You demonstrably haven't seen the women that body build.

Go to Google, put SafeSearch on, and look it up.

I've taken two pregnancy tryout and the both came wager on negative,but i haven't get my period nonetheless what do i do ?

Do they, I've never noticed here arms.

Yeast infection?

I personally enjoy very strong arm muscles, i've be a figure skater/ice dancer for the ultimate 18 years (god i'm old lol)... it's necessarily down to use, i have to use my arms to hold my body solidity, sometimes only on one arm... i don't hit the gym day by day to lift weights it's only because my arm muscles are in constraint.the more you use a muscle, the bigger it gets.

again, my calf muscles are strong... due to jazz and dance classes i hold had to do for my skating... the points/blocks put in rumba slippers (meaning your on your toes), or the heels on dance shoes (or any shoes for that event, look at the calves of most women who wear high heeled shoes on a regular basis) throw a womans posture forward, the muscle at the pay for of the leg compensates this... the muscle then tones, and grows... same happen with arms!

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