I shaved my vagina, and now there are some little red dot things. how do you get rid of them?
and what is it? just sensitive pores?
How do i know if i get my period?
It's not your vagina or labia. It's your mons. Doesn't anybody know anatomy?
What is the possibility of becoming pregnant while taking birth control.?
It's call razon burn darl'n. Time heals adjectives wounds. Be more careful subsequent time.Is there ant home remedy to remove strecth grades?
they will go away .but you might want to stir to walmart or walgreens and get this stuff call bikini zone..it does help for the itching and the bumps too.It is cut-throat burn put lotion on it.(It probaly itches alot to huh?
It's razor burn. Next time don't shave so close, use a correct shaving cream. This time try lotion. If you can get non perfume lotion would be best because it will burn.
Honey, you shaved you labia not your vagina. Just maintain shaving, eventually the skin will get used to it.
Allways use a brand clean razor shave one direction first after the other use hot towel before cream and after use medicated body powder try not to walk over the same spot too normally and you will get used to it.
I am a Naturopathic (natural medicine) doctor and my email is [email protected]. I can answer some of these.
I hold sever cramping and heavy clotting and bleeding. Could I own a medical condition?
it will go away itself. it is a moment ago razor burnIt is raiser burn. Use Aloe Vera on the skin, it is sensitive for anywhere on your body. It will take 2-3 days. Next time you shave down in that use allot of soap and use a very sharp raiser. First trim the spike, then shave. That is the best agency.
We have be unable to acquire prego for 2 years, help!!?
its simply normal for some when they shave. spawn sure u do it carefully subsequent time and put some lotion after shavin