Spotting between Periods?

I have never done this past in my integral life. I am nice of confused? What could it mean. I also feel really weak today to the point that I go to sleep today for 3.5 hours, after eating twice as much as I customarily would, and when I woke up, I want to eat more. It's approaching my body craves food, like I'm some sort of bottomless pit. I simply got a pap testing yesterday. And yes I am sexually active.

Where can I find extra colossal condoms?

What is a pap test? Is it a trial for cervical cancer where they purloin a sample from your cervix (in the UK we call for this a smear test). If yes, then I would envision that's the cause - they scrabble the cervix to get cell, and that could conceivably cause a bit of spotting.

But spotting between period is pretty common, it happen to me from time to time. Just watch out for discomfort in your tummy when it happen. Also, you could be ovulating - lots of women feel crap at this time and own the symptoms you describe - it can also cause spotting.

From what you read out, I wouldn't be unduly alarmed. But do see your doctor if you're worried.

My period finishing for 3 days then if stops and come rear the next morning for a few hours then stops again. Why?

im not motto this as to offend you, but its in actual fact a symptom of an STD. If you've had chlaymdia or gonorrhea up to that time, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. This may not be what you hold however, STDs can give you false symptoms of pregnacy which would explain your hunger & fatigue. You will find out when your pap smear comes in.

Is it majority to wet yourself occassionally (like once or twice a year)?

wow shift to the doctor, it could be nothing and lately a symptom of your body changing but it could also be that you may hold an STD or an infection of some sort. Are you by any chance on birth control? Because if you are, this may cause it.

But honestly you are hardly 19 years old, your body change at this age because it is the time when you stop growing, your out of high conservatory and probably not doing the normal physical leisure that you would do in elevated school, right?

Anywho reach a deal to a doctor, and I guarantee that you will feel much better.

Can someone pass me some websites on girls masturbating?

Are you on the pill? Sometimes that causes spotting. I never have it either and next when I was going on for 21 I started spotting a little bit between period every once in awhile. My doctor said it wasn't serious as long as my pap test were commonplace.

My tampon dissapeared?

Spotting between periods could be cause by ovulation bleeding. This may or may not happen every cycle and can come on suddenly.

If are are really concerned gain to the GYN for a check-up.

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