How do you releave tired feet?


A question in the region of woman's genitals?

I used to have tender, painful, tired bad that I could just walk on them after a "normal" trip to the store. Going for any extended trips be beyond me. Then I came across a set of two of Geoxx shoes. Now I go everywhere I want. I still suffer from arthritic pain within my legs and arms, but my feet no longer wipe out me. Here's a good conception of what's available.

LADIES ! What Is that wet nouns noise while gettin' hit from the vertebrae?

soak them

Am i anorexic?!?

soak them in hot river and then own someone rub them for you

can someone tell me what is honourable to eat when you get diverculosis?

Take pain medication, use a foot soak or give somebody a lift a warm tub or get a foot manipulate.

Boobs Question Bra sizes. help?

Soak them and rest them.

Help me next to this people?

wash them contained by nice warm sudsy wet, then soak them contained by Epsom Salt available in any cvs or other Drug Stores. in the order of a cup of Epsom salts within the water, and soak them for abaout 20 minutes. The backache and tiredness should be gone, then travel to sleep, or rest an wach sone TV

I take some prescribed meds, and one of the side affects is sexual?

Put a banister of soap under your mattress sheet close to your foot. You will feel better inwardly about 3 night. It acts much resembling a marinade on works!

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